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The Gospel According To J-Bolt
The phenomenon known as J-Bolt objected quite vociferously to a recent mention in a Bleeding Cool Runaround a few days ago. I gave him the right to reply. He took it. Enjoy.
Any further comments will be found below.
A breakdown of your story and the corrections by giving FACTS
"BoltWatch: Oh bloody hell."
WTF? Why was THIS necessary???
" J-Bolt is back."
Neither I, my company, nor my projects ever left. I've NEVER stopped working on my company projects, no matter what obstacles were thrown in my way.
Plus, the way you put this sounds like you've written crap on here about me before, when a search of your website shows that this is the only mention of me in any "BloodyCool" articles or website (not including the new crap that recently started in the forums). And the only other article connected with "BoltWatch" is one about Marvel's Sub-Mariner.
You might want to correct this as it sounds mis-leading to your readers.
"Self professed self promotional self delusional…"
EXCUSE ME??? And what gave you the notion of making these unfounded insults towards me??? You've never met me, never talked with me, and never known ANYTHING about me, my company, my projects or elsewise, with exception of whatever so-called "source" you're getting your information from. What grounds do you claim in order to make such inaccurate insults about me? This is especially true when you go to write story about me without checking the credibility and evidence of your "resources," which turns out to be at least 90% FALSE.
"…comics creator J-Bolt never actually published a comic…"
Again incorrect, according to previous and current comic book publishing standards. In 1999, the following was published through the described means:
*The "Storm" poster in print, and is currently being continued with that print release. Though it may not be an actual comic book, it is considered then and now still as a print publication.
*The "When Lightning Strikes Ashcan" which during the 90's was considered as a comic book print publication, though such publications are no longer considered that way anymore, whereas I'm digitally publishing a newer version of it this Spring on the company website. As I've been informed, digital publishing IS considered as actual publication to today's comic book publishing standards.
*"When Lightning Strikes #0" was digitally published, which (as I just described) is considered as actual comic book publishing by today's standards… especially in consideration of the fact that top comic publishers are also considering directing their publications to digital, due to constantly rising costs of printing, and the exorbitant cost of distributing.
At the same time as the Ashcan goes to digital publishing this Spring, WLS0 will be simultaneously published in print, with other issues following, sticking to our original publicity that we've promised all along.
"…despite generating publicity and making repeated outrageous claims over the last fifteen years,…"
First off, I've been accused of making "outrageous claims" over only the past 12 years, ever since the first publicity came out involving the sale and cross promotion with the "Storm" poster, in 1999. Secondly, none of my claims have EVER been outrageous, nor false, in any way, shape or form. With every piece of publicity that I ever released, there was equal amount of proof to back them up, though the only thing that ever limited me in publicly presenting certain evidence was Confidentiality Clauses, which were signed by both particular business associates and me. While those industry professionals were actively involved with the projects that we signed the clauses on, I was not able to prove their involvement by publishing any signed agreements, e-mails, letters or any other visual proof of that involvement. And the only way I will do so now, concerning the ones that are no longer involved with any of these projects (which obviously would give benefit of doubt against the negative publicity surrounding the involvement of ones that are still attached to these projects, still being bound to current Confidentiality Clauses), is if they were to give me written consent to do so themselves. Though I can legally release such proof on my own volition, I find that it would be in bad taste and unprofessional for me to do so without their consent, due to the fact that it would make me appear as untrustworthy to any other professionals in the entire industry whom I am either currently still working with and/or any future industry professionals that I may be interested in involving with my projects. I know that releasing these would indeed discredit all the negativity and falsehoods (such as this article we are now discussing) against me, showing that none of my claims have ever been "outrageous," to begin with, but I honor my credibility with the professionals I work with… and I will not abuse that trust. But again… if anybody wants to ask particular individuals that they know are no longer involved with any of my company projects to give me written consent to release the proof of their involvement, I will be more than happy to ANXIOUSLY do so.
"…including the film Bombshell to star Adam West that never came close to happening."
Not only DID the BombShell film project actually happen, but it is STILL happening, with the same cast and crew that I had attached to the project then, STILL attached to the project. We had to impose a great deal of secrecy on the project, and still maintain this, due to interference of the project, from a very small number of particular individuals who were contacting any of the film's cast and crew members they could to the point of harassment, until they either gave a form answer of "I'm not involved with the project," which they told me they say to "all kooks that have no involvement with film projects, in order to get them to buzz off right from the start," or they did confirm their involvement with the film and no longer responded to any further contact continually made by them, which these individuals then twisted to their own meaning that they were successful in getting those cast or crew members to discontinue their involvement with the film.
As far as Adam West… right after his agent accepted his part in the film, he IMMEDIATELY posted about it and his excitement for his involvement in it, on his fan website. The fore-mentioned individuals tried claiming that I somehow got access into his fan website and uploaded this myself, but still to this day, they've never explained how that would even be possible for me to do.
The film is still in pre-production, but the IMDb (Internet Movie Database) listing for it had to be discontinued as an agreement between IMDB and me, due to all the flaming that was done in the film's listing discussion forums from these same individuals. We agreed that Lightning Bolt Productions will not list it again until we are about to go into actual filming, depriving me of the right every other film production company has of listing film projects in the pre-production stage.
During all the negative publicity given to my company, the projects, and myself, Industry professionals will now ONLY work with me if done so in secrecy until all final contracts are signed and we are ready to go into filming, before they'll allow their involvement to be made public. This is due to the harassment given to every cast/crew member that these individuals are able to make contact with.
So far, their harassment has only been successful in frightening off my former agent, Jacqui Baskow (who was later publicly proven against her defense of "not being involved" by my former publicist, Judith Moose, who introduced me to Jacqui on the day we signed our representation contract). And they were almost successful with scaring off one of my cast/crew members, whom I will not name due to the fact that I was able to save their continuing involvement by showing them that the secrecy will divert any further threat of harassment.
" Now he seems he wants to do it all again…"
Again…neither I nor my company have ever stopped. During the past 12 years, we have faced the worst types of interruption, harassment and outside diversion from being able to publicly disclose any form of details pertaining to our company projects and/or operation or be allowed to proceed with our projects without different forms of interference. Similar problems resulted in our remaining fanbase to become secluded, due to the same threats and harassment (which can be verified via contact with the only LBE fan whom has never backed down from the harassment and ridicule our fans have received for supporting us, known only as "Omar"), and as a result, this greatly affected the hits to our company website, and obviously the sales we needed to be able to go into full print production throughout the years.
We've also been recently dealing with our network and computers being hacked into and key-logged, though we have not yet verified the physical source(s) of it YET, while our Technician works feverishly and diligently on it. This limits us as to what it is we can even privately type into our own word processing programs while we wait to press charges against the guilty party(ies) who has(ve) been doing it.
All in all, those individuals that we've had interference from have declared "peace" with us, for the time being (though there still remains a few stragglers who prefer continuing to spread false negativities), while we complete the promise of print-publishing our comic book issues and move on with our publishing plan from there. We no longer have to rely solely on our other sales in order to earn the capitol necessary to make that printing possible, with online resources now being so readily available. The only reason our comics are not in print right now is that we've still had to recover from all the other problems while supplementing our personal finances via methods outside the company in order to pay our bills so that we can afford as much time as possible in getting these publications in print, starting this Spring, and also deal with all of life's little problems that get in the way as well. On top of that, we do have to be wary of the hacking and key-logging which continues to plague us.
Meanwhile, the BombShell film project, plus other media that we've long worked on, is still moving along, though this continues to be done under extremely sensitive secrecy to insure no further interference by non-involved parties.
We're keeping our promises, and we've NEVER steered away from doing so, nor have we EVER given up on fulfilling them, no matter what obstacles, interference, or negative falsehoods were thrown our way.
" – even if his website looks like it's still from the nineties."
Due to NUMEROUS problems we had with our website, website designing, webmaster and other situations, our previous, absolutely beautiful, website format was lost. It was actually designed as a favor to us the last time "peace" was attempted by an EXTREMELY TALENTED web designer who we found it impossible to stop giving kudos for, though misunderstandings and continuing negative feelings caused a rift in the professional relationship, which seems to remain irreparable to this day. I personally tried my best to retrieve and restore it, but the problems resulted in loss of data at our webhost's origin and too much of that previous design was lost to try and piece back together again.
We currently do not have another great new web designer, though we have actively, avidly and profusely been publicizing our need to hire one, I've personally been undertaking the task with the very little time I have on my hands, between working on the comic books themselves, paying my bills and dealing with the life that surrounds all this. When I introduced the new, extremely basic (and yes, I know, extremely "sucky") website design, I very publicly announced that my website design certifications only go back to the basic HTML of the 1990's, and I'm only able to work with what I have at hand. I've never stopped saying on the website that I'm doing everything I can to try and update it little by little, but the largest majority of my time has ALWAYS needed to be spent working on the COMICS while I'm also having to afford my personal bills. I've always been candid with this, and asked everybody to be patient with the fact I don't have time to go through the websites that "help" in designing 'prettier' sites with the bells and whistles, let alone the fact I don't have the time to take any courses to learn all the new, great PHP or other flashy stuff that the previous format had, so that I could repair what was there before.
I am working with what I can in order to make a better presentation website for when the print published comic books come out, but I've had to work with only what I've got in order to keep everybody updated as much as can be allowed with what's going on concerning Lightning Bolt Entertainment projects while putting my efforts into finishing what the site is all about to begin with… the comics.
To state that our site like right now "looks like it's still from the nineties" is actually more complimentary than what we've been quite negatively getting told, truth to tell, by people who have a problem reading our own words that say we know it sucks at the moment, but we're working on that with every resource we have available to us, while trying to make it MUCH better so that it looks pretty good when we present the published prints this Spring. If people would simply ask themselves which project they feel we should prioritize first, for them to see, I'm quite sure that they'd choose the comics over the website. We don't use that as an excuse, but we're just asking for patience while we finish what it is we're sure you want to see more time put into. We WILL be having it look better soon. I guarantee it.
"Maybe it'll be different this time?"
So far, it IS different. We're taking advantage of the "peace" we currently have with the problematic individuals from before (with the primary leader even finally being as open as we are to letting us "put up or shut up"). We're using every possible peaceful minute as wisely as we possibly can, so that we can fulfill the promise we made from the beginning. Just like with the "peace" that we've been magnanimously offered by most of those individuals, we ask everybody else for a few things to help us accomplish what you want, as well:
- To stop falling so easily into all the false negativity that has befallen us for the past 12 years
- To give us the same break that we've gotten so far from this "peace" by simply letting us do what we've been saying we're doing without any interference, which includes continuing to spread the false negativity, let alone with even more twists
- That everybody stops trying to find a way to cause any new negativity, including needless insults
- Those such 'invisible' sources stop trying to continue the false negativity about us through various venues such as what initiated this necessity for "my side of the story" here, especially while hiding their identity in causing it
- Everything else is simple logic.
In other words… just sit back, take a break from all the crap, and let us do our thing. If we haven't gotten at least the first comic book issue printed before the first day of Summer, as we said we will, without any kind of outside interruption nor interference, then you can all go to town on the negativity you want to throw at us, along with all your "I told you so's." This means that if we were to fail in this by our OWN doing… and no, we won't be making up any false excuses either, then we will take the blame.
Until then, please simply let us do our job without feeling like we have to continually defend ourselves.
Another thing… one of the biggest problems with all the negativity amongst newly involved people is when their first introduction to us has been through constantly relived and endlessly twisted false negativity. This article, necessitating "my side of the story" is a perfect example of that. When somebody is newly introduced to us due to this false negativity, we only ask that they have an open mind. I clearly have my e-mail address on the homepage of the LBE Online website. When you hear some crap said about LBE, our projects, and/or me (professionally and/or personally), make up your own minds by contacting and asking me personally. Only taking the 1-sided false negativity said about me by any source as gospel fact, without finding out the other side of the rumors being spread is not the action usually taken by self-thinking, intelligent human beings. Please think for yourself and get ALL the facts in the matter
If there's anything else I haven't cleared up here, feel free to contact me personally.
Jim "J-Bolt" Fisher
Lightning Bolt Entertainment, Co. and its subsidiaries
YIM Handle: JBolt_LBE