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Looks Like Scott Snyder is Bringing Back Will Payton, Starman, to Justice League
Man, CBR totally sat on this since San Diego Comic-Con, where they interviewed Scott Snyder and have only just run the video.
But while talking about his Justice League work, totalling around 50 issues – basically his Batman run but in half the time – he said "But having all these pieces from Adam Strange to Firestorm to Hawkgirl and Swamp Thing. And Will… Starman comes into it soon. All this crazy stuff comes in. We find the Martian keeper of secrets."
'Will' would indicate Will Payton – the DC Comics version of Starman from the nineteen-eighties and preceded the James Robinson reboot version,
"I don't want to give away too much, because there are plans for different versions of Starman in different places. The JSA stuff is going to be going on with Ted Knight in some ways, and I don't want to give too much away. I will just say that in Justice League #7, you will start to see that story begin to unfold, and he becomes a player along with Starro again. Starro – they find a tiny piece of him in a jar, and they always insult him by calling him Jarro."
Will Payton was created by Roger Stern and Tom Lyle. He gained his powers of flight, super strength, a mild amount of shapeshifting, and the ability to alter his appearance and fire bolts of energy from his hands after being struck by a bolt of energy from a satellite in space. He first appeared in Starman #1 in October 1988 and later died fighting the supervillain Eclipso. However the more famous nineties Starman series by James Robinson and Tony Harris starring Jack Knight as Starman revealed that his fate was different from that previously believed. The mysterious bolt of energy that infused Payton with his cosmic abilities was revealed to be the essence of previous Starman created by Paul Levitz and Steve Ditko, the alien Prince named Gavyn.
We'll be watching, Justice League #7 is out next week.
(W) Scott Snyder (A/CA) Mark Morales, Jim Cheung
It's wall-to-Source-Wall Justice League action as artist Jim Cheung rejoins writer Scott Snyder! Hawkgirl takes wing against Legion of Doom leader Lex Luthor; John Stewart faces off with old foe Sinestro; the Flash must run down the Still Force-empowered Gorilla Grodd; and Wonder Woman tackles the tag team of Black Manta and Cheetah-underwater, no less! In Shops: Sep 05, 2018 SRP: $3.99