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Ten Things Dan Hart Learnt At London Super Comic Con

Dan Hart writes;

1) There are something you can (hopefully) only hear at comic conventions, such as:

"I hooked up with Captain America last night"
"Which one?"
"Oh, World War 2 Cap."

Apologies for scandalising you gentle reader but I felt I had to share.

2) The creators who have also attended Thought Bubble felt the addition of an all-in, creators, traders and attendees party, after Day 1, would have been a welcome addition to the LSCC programme. I'm inclined to agree, an official social would have really gone down a treat. It's certainly one of Thought Bubble's highlights.

3) J Scott Campbell got to meet Stacey Rebecca, the model who famously recreated his "My God, that pose is impossible" Amazing Spider-Man #601 cover:


4) Creators are very game for wearing hats. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The London Super Comic Con Fezaplaooza 2013…

Storm Dogs creators David Hine and Doug Braithwaite (Read this book it's REALLY good)

2 3

Amazing Spider-Man writer and cover artist extraordinaire, Dynamo Dan Slott, the one-man signature machine and Adi Granov


Crossed – Wish You Were Here and X-Men Legacy writer Si Spurrier


Young Avengers & Phonogram tag team, Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie


2000AD & Doctor Who alum, Mike Collins


British anime artist Destiny Blue


The nicest man in comics; Fables' Mark Buckingham


Gary Erskine, without his real-life Roller Girls


And Kid Loki, I couldn't see Ikol though.


4.1) Adi Granov invented the concept of a fez condom, popping a beanie on before the fez, to avoid any comic creator cross-contamination.

5) The price variations on back issues, between traders, was significant. In one case a book that was £12 at one stand, was £24 at another and £36 at another! I wonder how many traders took home more stock than they expected?

6) While Day 1 was almost frenzied at times, Day 2 was a much more sedate, but still busy, affair. The Batman panel was well-received but I think next year a second panel area with off-set times might be a good move to keep momentum going..

7) Midtown Comics were attending from NYC and had a good response. Expect to see them back with a much bigger stand next year.

8) Catering at the Excel hasn't improved. I knew I should have packed sandwiches.

9) A discussion about Whedon's kill-happy penmanship, between Gillen, Irving and a Masters student (Writing her thesis on Journey Into Mystery), included her comparing Wash's death in Serenity to Mercutio's in Romeo & Juliet quite convincingly.

10) Image are producing a hardcover edition of Infinite Vacation, this will include the gatefolds and be a similar size to the annual Walking Dead volumes. Nice…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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