Posted in: Comics, Valiant | Tagged: ninjak, September 2023, Solicits, Valianr
Valiant To Finally Publish Ninjak Superkillers in September 2023
Valiant's September 2023 solicits lists one comic book Ninjak Superkillers by Jeff Parker, Mike Norton, Andrew Dalhouse and Dave Sharpe.
Last month, looking at Valiant Entertainment August 2023 solicitations, noting again that the publisher had become reduced to publishing one comic book a month, and it was the final issue of X-O Manowar Unconquered from Becky Cloonan. Michael Conrad and Liam Sharp, I asked "whatever happened to Ninjak Superkillers by Jeff Parker, Mike Norton, Andrew Dalhouse and Dave Sharpe that was promised a year ago? Still no sign for August…"
Well, looks like it will be published in September 2023. It has been even longer delayed than X-O Manowar and keeps Valiant publishing, at least, one new comic book a month. How long can this last?
Ninjak was created by Mark Moretti and Joe Quesada as a ninja and spy in the Valiant Comics series Bloodshot in 1993, and span out his own series in 1994. And now he's back for his thirtieth anniversary.
(W) Jeff Parker (A) Mike Norton (CA) Dave Johnson
A ruthless team of superpowered killers versus the world's most lethal assassin – who will survive? The all-new explosive limited series Ninjak Superkillers is a globetrotting noir tale with deadly consequences for the Valiant Universe!
In Shops: Sep 20, 2023 SRP: 3.99
Bleeding Cool has been covering, to our best ability, the current issues at Valiant Entertainment, who have let go many members of staff, with only a few remaining. And with no one sure what is going on (least of all the NFT investors), people have been looking at what Valiant Entertainment has and will be publishing going forward. Right now, it is one book a month, with a bunch of backstock being made available again. Maybe this is the kind of project that might help revive their fortunes. Could they soon get back to two comics a month? Or even three? It feels like something has to give at some point. and we notice that Senior Editor Lysa Hawkins has, once again, left the publisher.