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Bleeding Cool Shares 7 Movies That Give Us Hope
Now, I know things are bleak and hope feels helpless right now, but all the more reason to indulge in a little bit of escapism, at least that's what we here at Bleeding Cool think. So, allow us to present to you the movies that give us hope.
- Adi Tantimedh – A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
A WWII technicolor fantasy featuring David Niven as an injured Royal Air Force pilot whose brain injury may or may not be causing him to hallucinate having to stand trial in heaven to fight for his right to stay alive on Earth. He found a new love in the form of an American radio operator played by Kim Hunter. His ally is a sympathetic doctor played by Roger Livesy. A celebration of people pulling together in a war and of the US-British relationship.
- Andy Wilson – Sing Street (2016)
I've found myself being incredibly buoyed by the films of Frank Capra during these times. Any one of them is like mainlining liquid hope into your bloodstream. I'm also finding hope in a far more cynical place: films like All the President's Men and The Post about how our institutions work even in times of darkness and corruption. But the one movie which has given me the most hope these days is a gem of a musical called Sing Street. The story of a group of Irish teens who form a rock and roll band in the midst of recession, divorce, bullying, and evil schoolmasters is so buoyant and joyful. Set with both a great 1980's soundtrack featuring Joe Jackson, The Cure, and Duran Duran, it also features original songs (a hallmark of films by the amazing John Carney like Once and Begin Again) which are just amazing. Watch the music video for the breakout song "Drive It Like You Stole It" and tell me you don't instantly feel a little better.
- Eden Arnold – October Sky (1999)
It's no secret that I am obsessed with space, but October Sky brings hope and good feelings, space obsessed or not. It's based on the true story of NASA rocket engineer Homer Hickam Jr. and his friends, termed the "rocket boys". It follows the boys in high school as they figure a way out of their small coal-mining town and dream of reaching the stars. If that's not enough, the soundtrack alone sparks hope and inspiration.
- Kaitlyn Booth – Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)
There is nothing in the world that gives you more hope than seeing that good people still exist. Won't You Be My Neighbor? is the Mr. Rogers documentary that goes into what kind of person he really was and how good he was. If you grew up on Rogers show then this is a must-watch and will probably leave you a blubbering mess but in a good way. We all need a good cry now and crying because there is proof that a good human being existed.
- Jeremy Konrad – Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
For me, the best I have felt in a good long while leaving a theater was after I saw Mary Poppins Returns. Stern but with a heart of gold, Mary Poppins, played practically perfect in every way by Emily Blunt, spends the film teaching us that just because everything isn't looking great right now, doesn't mean that it will stay that way. Go ahead- try to watch the last 20 minutes of that film without bawling. It ends with the entire cast floating on balloons and letting us know that there is "Nowhere to go, but up!". A more recent example, but inspiring nevertheless.
- Baltimore Lauren – Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927)
The class war is very reminiscent of what's going on right now (in some ways). In the end, though, the good guys win, some people's minds are changed, and humanity moves on in a positive way.
- Mark Seifert – Armageddon (1998)
No matter how stupid the world's politicians are, no matter how arrogant some leaders can be, no matter how impossible the odds… there's always just a bunch of ordinary, highly competent and smart guys just going about their ordinary lives who could step up in that one moment. It's just a matter of finding them and enabling them to do their thing. This is a fact.
- Tom Chang – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
A science fiction film about a medical procedure that helps wipe memories of a lost loved one. As much as people want that kind of filter in their life, pain is just important in character building as joy. The film reminds me of the human condition that we're the sum of all our experiences.
Regardless of what you find hope in, we think it's important to retain a positive outlook and always keep trying to find the bright spots in these dark times. Stay hopeful, friends, current events won't last forever.