Written by Lethal Weapon's Amanda Green and and directed by Anthony Hemingway, the series is based on the British miniseries and executive produced by Green, Lindsey Liberatore and Dan Lin (Stephen King's It) Lin Pictures and Warner Bros Television will handle production.
Here's an overview of what Murder will be about, as well as a look[...]
Amanda Green Archives
Produced by Dan Lin (It, The LEGO Movie) and written by Lethal Weapon's Amanda Green, the series is based on the BBC miniseries. Lin and Green are set to executive produce, and Lindsey Liberatore as co-executive producer; with Lin Pictures, Warner Bros TV and CBS Television Studios sharing production.
Murder explores crime through the unique and often-conflicting[...]
Television, CBS Television Studios
Overview: "Based on the web series of the same name written and starring Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley, I Mom So Hard explores how two moms illustrate how their friendship gets them through being wives and mothers."
Writer: Amanda Green (Lethal Weapon)
Executive Producers: Green, Lindsey Liberatore and Dan Lin (Stephen King's It)
Production Company:[...]
Viewers will be taken inside the emotional journey of an investigation, allowing them to discern the truth and judge the suspects' guilt or innocence for themselves in the context of the entire investigation and trial.
Lin will executive produce the series under his Lin Pictures banner with Amanda Green, who will also write the script for[...]