Brooklyn Gladiator tells the tale of John Miller, a man living in a decaying New York. He is a boxer and a runner but wants more from life. Is it a good read?
Andrew Harrison Archives
Fogler and I joke about how Trump really does seem like Richard Dawson's character from Running Man, Damon Killian.
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Brooklyn Gldiator Concept art by Tom Hodges
Brooklyn Gladiator is written by Dan Fogler with Andrew Harrison and Ben McCool and the art is from Tom Hodges with Derick Robertson, Nadir Balan, Mark[...]
These aren't just today's headlines – they're the world of Brooklyn Gladiator, a new comic from actor Dan Fogler (Fanboys, Kung Fu Panda, Balls of Fury), writer Andrew Harrison (Moon Lake, Golgotha), and comic artist Tom Hodges (Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic, The Mandalorians: People and Culture) As their Kickstarter draws to a close,[...]
Add to that exuberant costuming, plenty of dark humor, several prominent and experienced actors, and you have a promising project in Queen Gorya.
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The pilot will be directed by Satu Runa (Dawson's Creek, The Coalition), who also plays Queen Gorya, produced by Andrew Harrison (Mad Carousel) and Runa (Final Fangirl Productions), and also stars Haley[...]