Audrey Meeker Archives

Audrey Meeker's Middle Grade Vollyball Graphic Novel, Last One Picked
Audrey Meeker was an Assistant Editor at Valiant Entertainment from 2021 to 2022 Now, she is a fully-fledged graphic novelist She is announcing her second middle-grade graphic novel, Last One Picked, about 14-year-old Annabeth, who gets thrown into the world of volleyball with no experience, no friends, and no knee pads and must learn to enjoy the sport[...]
 Swing, a debut middle grade graphic novel by Audrey Meeker,
Audrey Meeker is an assistant editor at Valiant Entertainment, but is also a comic book creator in her own right She tweeted out the news "It's been officially announced that SWING is gonna be a real actual book!!!!! Thanks so much to everyone who believes in this project, and a special thanks to Miranda (who doesn't[...]