And it was mentioned awhile back when they were first revealed, and curiously never fixed. Here is a look at the Blu-ray cover: Notice anything off about
baze malbus Archives
Three new books from Disney Publishing will be diving deeper into the characters of Rogue One on May 2.
First, Guardians of the Whills by Greg Rucka will show us what life was like on Jedha for Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus protecting the Kyber Temple when the Empire showed up and started mucking around.
The book will also show Saw[...]
By Joe Glass
This time last year, the first new Star Wars film in years was released in cinemas, The Force Awakens, and immediately audiences came out wondering if Star Wars maybe possibly just included, under the radar, their first gay character, in the form of hotshot X-Wing pilot, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac).
In fact, I even[...]