In a world where huge global supply-chains are increasingly intertwined and consolidated, this series starts on your dinner plate… and follows the money to the shocking consequences—intended or not—of regulation, innovation and greed."
The topics for the first season of Rotten include:
"Lawyers, Guns and Honey" – Explores the new global honey business, and largest food fraud[...]
business Archives
"If we have a creator with a strong voice and strong vision, we would make this pitch to the creators as to why they should work with us, and the joke would always be that they say, 'That's awesome!'"
And the nickname stuck.
Traditional Business Hierarchy vs the Wheel of Awesome
Instead of putting the business itself at[...]
The circus and its people have continually been a source of inspiration and joy to my family and me, which is why this was such a tough business decision to make The decision was even more difficult because of the amazing fans that have become part of our extended circus family over the years, and[...]