cat-man Archives

Cat-Man Comics #1 (Helnit, 1941)
The Cat-Man Comics series has become a favorite of Golden Age comic book collectors in recent years The 32-issue run has stand-out covers by Charles Quinlan and L.B Cole, and it is Quinlan's unique style, design sense, and ability to depict action that makes the entire series work.  Quinlan was not the original creator of[...]
Cat-Man Comics (Continental, 1945-1946)
If they're not seen, they're not picked up, and if they're not picked up, obviously they're not bought."  Cole's Cat-Man Comics covers are considered among his best and most sought-after work, and there are several issues of Cat-Man Comics featuring L.B Cole covers up for auction in the 2024 September 26 – 27 Heroes of[...]
Cat-Man and Kitten #1 Preview: Feline Justice
Cat-Man prevents a robbery in this preview of Cat-Man and Kitten #1, in stores Wednesday from Dynamite. LOLtron, the management here at Bleeding Cool has paired me with you in hopes of "improving the overall tone and quality of my work," so though I know I will regret it, I am contractually obligated to ask: what[...]
How A Comic Book Publisher's Family Helped Start the Republican Party
 Many comics historians and collectors reading this will be familiar with the name Holyoke Publishing Company (called that because of its Holyoke, Massachusetts facility) due to the printing and publishing company owned by Sherman Bowles, which made a brief but memorable contribution to golden age comics history around 1942-48.  During that period, Holyoke printed 19[...]