We have two more TV spots for Christopher Nolan's upcoming World War II epic Dunkirk There doesn't appear to be much in the way of new footage but they continue the themes of the previous TV spots One continues to highlight the ticking clock and the lack of time that these soldiers have left to[...]
christopher nolan Archives
Director Christopher Nolan is very fond of using IMAX cameras and using them very well In the case of Dunkirk the IMAX is there to make everything feel like it's closing in because that's how it was during the real battle
The battle of Dunkirk was an evacuation of 400,000 Allied and British forces, who[...]
We're learning a little more about Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk every day This is a movie that's either going to be the sleeper hit of the summer or no one is going to remember it There isn't enough time in the release schedule for it to be anything else EmpireKenneth Branagh is an actor and director[...]
A bunch of new micro TV spots for Christopher Nolan's upcoming war movie Dunkirk The little bits of footage highlight the need for survival and the the fact that time is of the essence They subtly hit to this by making a ticking clock a common theme throughout the marketing The reality of horrifying this[...]
Christopher Nolan's upcoming war movie Dunkirk feels like the movie that everyone keeps forgetting is coming out this year The summer movie season gets more and more packed every year that often movies start to fall through the cracks This might be one but the marketing appears to be kicking in Dunkirk is on the[...]
Summary: Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, Canada, and France are surrounded by the German army and evacuated during a fierce battle in
A new trailer for the Christopher Nolan war epic Dunkirk will drop this Friday but here is a short teaser for that trailer
Summary: Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire, Canada, and France are surrounded by the German army and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II.
Dunkirk will be released on July[...]
And why didn't Warner Bros build their universe off of these films? When Christopher Nolan directed this, Iron Man was still three years away Things have changed a lot.
https://youtu.be/49MpLTgUFj0Video can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Honest Trailers – Batman Begins (https://youtu.be/49MpLTgUFj0)
I'm a little surprised that the folks at Screen Junkies hadn't already done[...]
There has been buzz around Christopher Nolan doing a James Bond film for some time The director is a lover of the series, and there have reportedly been some talks at some point with him, especially thought to have been around the time Spectre was Sam Mendes-less. Nolan seems a little past Franchise stewardship, but for the[...]
Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk is undoubtedly going to be one of the big event movies of 2017 It's a Nolan flick after all and they always are.
That event is going to lay on the shoulders of one Fionn Whitehead, who is a relative newcomer to the acting scene EW have shared a new photo of the[...]
The first official trailer for Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk just dropped It boasts a great cast of Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh and James D'Arcy.
Dunkirk tells the story of an amazing evacuation of allied soldiers comprised of troops from Belgium, Britain, and France after they were cut off by German forces on the[...]
Any movie that is directed by Christopher Nolan is going to be hotly anctipated, so you know any look at his next film Dunkirk is going to be popular.
Well, it seems like you can get said look, if you can get yourself to a right IMAX /Film are reporting that for any70mm IMAX showing of Rogue[...]
That sentiment is largely how I've ended up feeling about Christopher Nolan's latest offering, Interstellar.
Set during the potential death throes of humanity, it's become clear that Earth isn't a long term solution for the species Crops are failing, dust storms are affecting people's health and humans are now just the "caretakers" of the planet[...]
A new trailer has been released for Christopher Nolan's upcoming film, Interstellar, and it starts to show how different the world In the opening of the trailer Matthew McConaughey and his family approach what looks to be a downed drone and he pulls the black box… but they speak about it like it's a wounded[...]
By Olly MacNamee Comics4Causes, the fledgling comic book based charity working out of Nostalgia and Comics here in the heart of the Midlands are at it
(for "Some Motherfuckers Always Tryin' To Ice Skate Uphill") Goyer and Christopher Nolan While Nolan's body of work is generally serious, his Batman films featured their fair share of jokes or strangely self-referential dialogue Then again, Goyer is the very same screenwriter that's probably responsible for lines like "does it come in black?" and affable[...]
By Olly MacNamee Bringing the summer long celebration of Batman’s Birthday here in Birmingham to a close local, well loved indie cinema Electric Cinema
Here is the video that had folks talking and had Christopher Nolan show up to his first Comic-Con.
Interstellar is directed by Nolan and written by his brother, John Nolan, based on the theories of physicist Kip Thorne The film stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, and Michael Caine.
Well, if it ain't broke…
A surprise rivaling the Rock's appearance came packaged in Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey came to the stage after a quick teaser of his new film Interstellar.
Then he dropped the bomb that put everyone on their feet: Christopher Nolan is in the house.
The former steward of the Batman franchise received thunderous applause from the crowd.
Nolan spoke[...]
In one of the biggest surprises of San Diego Comic Con 2014 so far, Christopher Nolan joined Matthew McConaughey on stage in Hall H last night to talk about Interstellar:
In one of the biggest surprises of San Diego Comic Con 2014 so far, Christopher Nolan joined Matthew McConaughey on stage in Hall H last night to[...]
Well, if it ain't broke…
A surprise rivaling the Rock's appearance came packaged in Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey came to the stage after a quick teaser of his new film Interstellar.
Then he dropped the bomb that put everyone on their feet: Christopher Nolan is in the house.
The former steward of the Batman franchise received thunderous applause from the crowd.
Nolan spoke[...]
Zwigoff directed his cast including Steve Buscemi and a teenaged Scarlett Johnansson with the balance of humor and drama and captured small town ennui and aimlessness brilliantly.
The Dark Knight
It really says something about how amazing of a performance Heath Ledger gave as the Joker in Christopher Nolan's masterpiece The Dark Knight that he eclipses Jack[...]
Come on Bruce, this is a serious moment, you're asking him to lie to everyone he knows to become a secret agent – do you really need to be punching him as well? That said, I'll admit I got chills when he calls back to the "why do we fall?" refrain from the Christopher Nolan[...]
It looks like Christopher Nolan will be pushing for humans to leave Earth behind in Interstellar, judging by the first teaser poster released today.
"Mankind was born on Earth It was never meant to die here."
Generically sci-fi and vague enough that we still know nothing about what the plot will be, but hopefully the trailer that's[...]
Even some big directors, like Clint Eastwood and Christopher Nolan, often walk onto set without a shot list of any kind There is something to be said for showing up at a location and seeing how it plays out with a minimum of direction You may want Actor A to start at Spot X and[...]
Christopher Nolan offered a starkly different backstory in The Dark Knight, but certain things remain fairly consistent for any iteration of the character: he elicits sympathy, because he isn't evil through and through, and also because his destructive behavior is largely a consequence of his disfigurement The character was portrayed most recently by Aaron Eckhart[...]
It's no surprise than that Christopher Nolan and Heath Ledger used the two Joker stories found in Batman #1 as inspiration to help derive their own interpretation of the character Just as Robinson had done in 1940, Ledger's Joker was a man clouded with more mystery than explanation His motive, if he had any at[...]
Oh Justin Bieber, what a tease. Up for Robin, a Superman/Batman script called Batman Vs Superman, and based on the The Dark Knight Falls chapter of The
Jessy Williams writes for Bleeding Cool.
The folks over at Paramount have announced that principal photography on Christopher Nolan's Interstellar has begun in Canada.
In short, this means that shooting for the film has started with the cast and crew on-set; it is the point of no return, some might say Interstellar has an incredible all-star cast[...]
Wilson have approached Chris Nolan with an offer to direct the next episode.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Friday:
Report: Christopher Nolan Offered The Next James Bond Film
Seeing as Sam Mendes has quite conclusively rebuffed their offers to return for more, it seems that James Bond producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson have approached Chris Nolan with an[...]