fake news Archives

Exposing the Fake News About Bear Attacks in Wolverine: The Long Night #3
Like this guy, who suggests the deaths could be due to a bear attack. Apparently, there is an entire fake news conspiracy to cover up the homicidal actions of bears in Alaska. Wolverine is a guy who once drowned his own son He's guilty! Throw the book at him! Wolverine: The Long Night #3 hits stores next Wednesday. Wolverine:[...]
Donald Trump fake news
Today is the day that President Donald Trump is finally supposed to reveal his Fake News awards Trump originally announced that the awards would be unveiled on Monday, January 8th, but later pushed that date back nine days, as Bleeding Cool concluded, to coincide with the birthday of mob boss Al Capone. I will be announcing[...]
james gunn takes aim at President
James Gunn's Twitter account, we're saying, is the Twitter of Record. So it's no surprise that Gunn would take serious issue with the misrepresentation of the term "Fake News" and use the considerable reach of his outlet to set things straight. Let's get one thing straight News organizations making mistakes and RETRACTING them make them the opposite[...]