Flexo The Rubber Man Archives

Marvel Establishes Venom Is Responsible For Saving Third Reich
Today's Venom #25 sees a twisty-turny trip across time that may, to some extent, explain the appearance of Flexo The Rubber Man as a proto-symbiote and what his issue with Donny Brock's Venom may be Could bit be an understandable mixed-up identity? As we find Flexo The Rubber Man, previously established as an active agent[...]
Venom's Webbing, Confirmed As His Own Poop
Today's Venom #22 looks back at the history of Flexo The Rubber Man, a 1940s Marvel Comics character who Bleeding Cool has been reprising the history of repeatedly, since it turned out that he was a symbiote Flexo The Rubber Man was originally a character created by Will Harr and Jack Binder for Mystic Comics #1 from Timely Comics[...]