grace randolph Archives

Grace Randolph's Stacktastic – Avengers 2012, A Trailer For Comics?
Grace Randolph takes a look at tomorrow's comics tday – but first, what is the impact of the Avengers movie having on comics? Should it have one? And what about Disney's influence? An opinion from one who has spent a little time under the Mouse, as part of Grace's Think About The Ink video blogs[...]
Grace Randolph's Between The Pages - Catwoman
From Midtown Comics in Times Square, New York, Grace Randolph and Alan Kistler discuss Catwoman and the Fox 5 News of Washington DC's report that labelled it pornography, for the Think About The Ink vblog, Between The Pages. Naturally, they are not totally 100% on Fox's side. UPDATE: The video has been pulled in the years since[...]
Grace Randolph's Stacktastic! Superman Vs Lex Luthor No More?
Grace Randolph runs through the expectations that tomorrow's new comics will bring, from Batman to Tarzan to Avengers to Red Sonja in today's Think About The Ink's Stacktastic for Bleeding Cool. Grace Randolph runs through the expectations that tomorrow's new comics will bring, from Batman to Tarzan to Avengers to Red Sonja in today's Think[...]
Grace Randolph And Alan Kistler On AVX – Between The Pages
Welcome back Grace Randolph and Alan Kistler together for Think About The Ink's Between The Pages for Bleeding Cool, talking Avengers Vs X-Men – and it's uncanny similarity to Children's Crusade. Welcome back Grace Randolph and Alan Kistler together for Think About The Ink's Between The Pages for Bleeding Cool, talking Avengers Vs X-Men –[...]
Grace Randolph's Stacktastic! – Marvel X-23, Hot or Not?
Every week, I get more grateful that Grace Randolph creates her Think About The Ink videos for Bleeding Cool And I don't know if it's the cold, but she seems a little edgier than usual, talking about tomorrow's comics Publishers beware! [youtube][/youtube] Every week, I get more grateful that Grace Randolph creates her Think About The[...]
Stacktastic! by Grace Randolph – Calvin And Wolverine Think About The Ink
Grace Randolph looks at tomorrow's comics today with her new Think About The Ink – Stacktastic video blog, which Bleeding Cool is honoured to host. This week she talks us through Catwoman, Birds Of Prey, Wonder Woman, Fables, Fantastic Four, Generation Hope, Wolverine And The X-Men, X-Factor, Captain America And Bucky in hardcover, Life With Archie,[...]
Grace Randolph's Supurbia For Boom! Comics (UPDATE)
Bleeding Cool's very own Grace Randolph has a new superhero comic book to be published in March from Boom!, Supurbia Drawn by Russell Dauterman, and modelled on modern reality TV, this looks like a sex-filled, alpha female, superhero comic Here's the solicitation. What goes down when the capes come off? Meet the Real Housewives of Earth's[...]
Think About The Ink: Between The Pages – Following Fairy Trails by Grace Randolph
[youtube][/youtube] Here's Grace Randolph's second video blog for Bleeding Cool, in her Friday slot, Between The Pages This week, she looks at the current popularity of fairy tales in Hollywood and the Fables comic book as well as Comic Book Resources' interview with Bill Willingham – and we discover there is an unofficial Game Of Thrones[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 12th December 2011
Ridley Scott On The Only Way To See A Film, And Why Special thanks to Aaron and Anna, Greg Baldino, Philip Sandifer… and a big welcome to Grace Randolph, who will be appearing on Bleeding Cool every Tuesday and Friday fron now on.   It's off how one Facebook post can tear the internet in half[...]
Marvel Fires Grace Randolph As Their "Watcher"
That the weekly Marvel video show, The Watcher, was without its host and writer Grace Randolph, replaced by Ben Morse and Ryan Penagos – and was poorer for it Maybe she was on holiday, maybe she was sick… or maybe she'd been fired. Then at the end of last week, Grace made it official[...]