Did we mention that it's also a much-needed comedy? Because that's what we can expect when Quentin Lee (White Frog, The People I've Slept With, Comedy InvAsian) and Adi Tantimedh's ("The Ravi PI" series from Simon & Schuster) pilot for Comisery streams on the Asian American Movies' Facebook page as well as at the pilot's[...]
hummingbird Archives
Featuring Piper Pájaro and Sloane MacBrute, otherwise known as The Hummingbird and Gray, described as the story of a superhero-in-progress and a reluctant villain From YA American novelists Kate Karyus Quinn (Another Little Piece, The Show Must Go On) and Demitria Lunetta (The Fade, Bad Blood), and drawn by Irish comic book artist Maca Gil[...]