Jesse Grillo's name is mud on Kickstarter, after a series of events that saw a legal battle over a rival Kickstarter and publisher and for pulling all his Kickstarter productions in response to increasing criticism over non deliverance of promises.
But that's all in the past isn't it? Let's all forgive each each And on the basis[...]
jesse grillo Archives
We'd reported on some of the dodginess concerning Jesse Grillo, Bleeding Ink Productions and Kickstarter before Today it all came to a head.
Hey everyone I have some sad news Bleeding Ink is no more I can't handle the disappointments and failures associated with trying to create so many projects Between the trolls and people not[...]
If Action Lab really wants their Danger Zone line to flourish, they've got to start taking the time to produce quality stories, and stop with the DC approach of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
The Trip (Action Lab: Danger Zone)
Written by Jesse Grillo
Illustrated by David Brame
Colors by Heather Breckel
96 Pages, FC
Bleeding Cool has received a number of complaints concerning Jesse Grillo of Bleeding Ink Productions, representing other artists' work as his own, launching online attacks against anyone who points this out, and using multiple aliases to bolster his own position online But, you know, he's hardly alone in that sort of thing and hadn't quite[...]