kate bishop Archives

It's an action-packed story filled with great characterisation and beautiful art. This issue continues an ongoing plot wherein Madame Masque has installed herself in a clone of Kate Bishop's body, hoping it will develop superpowers She decides to take her stolen identity out for a night on the town, with Bishop's trusted friends in tow[...]
Look For Ongoing Series Featuring Kate Bishop And Jessica Jones From Marvel, At C2E2
Kate Bishop is Hawkeye The female Hawkeye The young Hawkeye Don't call her Hawkgirl, obviously. While her presence in the Hawkeye books has increased, both co-lead and sometime-lead, it's still always been Clint Barton's book. But in the question and answer session at the All-New All-Different Marvel Panel at C2E2, courtesy of Bleeding Cool writer Brian Keohan,[...]