Kick Ass Archives

Sunday Runaround – Kick-Assing In The Rain
I may pop by in a couple of hours to prod them… MusoWatch: Plugging Scout Niblett through reviewing Phonogram… SaccoWatch: Joe Sacco's Footnotes in Gaza has won the Ridenhour Book Prize, for those who strive to "protect the public interest, promote social justice or illuminate a more just vision of society. WimpyWatch: While Scott Pilgrim, Kick Ass,[...]
NBC's Team Comicana In The Rain
And NBC's new geek-centric TV show that you shower them with drizzle. Greg, Steve, Luke and Kelly, filming for new show Team Comicana, have camped outside Forbidden Planet on Shaftesbury Avenue, London, so they are first in like for tomorrow's Kick Ass signing with Mark Millar and John Romita Jr And since the first seventy-five in[...]
Saturday Runaround – Scott Ass, Kick Pilgrim And More.
Is BBC Radio 2 ready for such an upheaval so soon after the last one? KickAssWatch: Yet More Yet More Kick Ass Video Stuff And the movie cover to the Kick-Ass trade paperback. ScottWatch: The cover for volume 6, out July 20th (expect midnight openings) and the movie poster… HorrocksWatch: Dylan Horrocks returns home to New Zealand to[...]
New NBC Show, Team Comicana Speak!
The first shoot takes place tomorrow night on Shaftesbury Avenue, London, outside Forbidden Planet, following a number of people queuing for the Kick Ass signing by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr the following day. But who are the geeks in question? And just what are their qualifications? Another Bleeding Cool exclusive here… Neal Bailey Assistant Editor for[...]
Friday Runaround – It's Video Friday!
AdWatch: Kick Ass has moving posters in tube/train stations in the UK… DoctorWatch: BBC News ran a preview of the first episode of Doctor Who Series Five, featuring the Doctor meeting his new companion a few years too early… And apparently Brits will get a Red Button Preview of the show. LetteringWatch: Chris Sims takes down the lettering[...]
Kick-Ass The Music Video by Mika
Mika sings the Kick Ass single, and gets all duffed up himself for the music video Aw… poor little Mika… Mika sings the Kick Ass single, and gets all duffed up himself for the music video Aw… poor little Mika… Mika sings the Kick Ass single, and gets all duffed up himself for the music[...]
Clash Of The Titans Buy Google Ad Word "Kick Ass" (UPDATE)
What naughtiness! Searching "Kick Ass" on Google brings up the expected results on the left hand side of the page The movie's IMDB listing The offiical web-site The wiki-pedia page, that sort of thing. The right hand side, with sponsored links, brings up an ad for Clash Of The Titans Saying "this epic adventure wioll kickass on[...]
Four Lions Trailer (Chris Morris)
Forget your Iron Man 2, Kick Ass, Jonah Hex, Red or Scott Pilgrim trailers Here's the biggee Four Lions. I really want to see this film now Hey, any press publicity people? Over here! Seriously. Damn it Okay, I'll go buy a ticket. Yes, all right dear, two tickets. Damn it. Forget your Iron Man 2, Kick Ass, Jonah[...]
Movie Review: Kick-Ass (Matthew Vaughn)
No wonder Kick Ass pales against these two more colourful characters. Equally Mark Strong pulls in his thoughtful bad guy routine, honed and mastered from Our Friends In The North, through Stardust and Sherlock Holmes, and in readiness for Green Lantern to come Stardust fellows Dexter Fletcher and Jason Flemyng both from Stardust also do wonderfully[...]
Swipe File: Kick-Ass And Doméstico
I love the theory of simultaneous evolution. That sometimes things happen that seem so linked but that are clearly seperate in origin. And it's true in