mike hawthorne Archives

Mike Hawthorne Teases His All-New All-Different Marvel Comic
Taken from the Twitter… Marvel is starting to announce new books? Wonder if they'll dare to announce the sly devil they have me drawing? ;-) — Mike Hawthorne (@MikeHawthorne) June 6, 2015 Naturally everyone dived in on Daredevil Or Shanna The She Devil Or Hellstorm, Son Of Satan Or L'il Mephisto… Anyway, here's an example of what this could[...]
Mike Hawthorne Shares His Process On Quantum And Woody
Over on his blog, artist Mike Hawthorne shared many steps along the way for creating his most recent Quantum And Woody Must Die cover This cover was for issue #4 and the finished product was colored by Jordie Bellaire. Over on his blog, artist Mike Hawthorne shared[...]
Is That The Birth Of Thanos In April?
Could this be what it was cancelled for? Or, you know, it could be Psylocke. Oh and Comics Alliance is handed this artwork for upcoming Deadpool in April with Mike Hawthorne drawing the book. From Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi in April from Marvel Something involving a birth And something involving someone purple. My best guess is a[...]