Morgan Freeman turns up and gets all Morpheus on The Cruiser's ass A whole lot of stuff happens Nearly all of it very bad for Jack Harper And nearly all of it very entertaining for us.
The sole aspect of Oblivion that I didn't like is its heart It doesn't have a whole lot I think[...]
Morgan Freeman Archives
What if a down in the dumps secret service member had to save the President when the White House comes under terrorist attack?
As far as the 'rescue mission after terrorist attack' genre goes this is a bit bigger than Die Hard, but a bit smaller than Lockout.
Gerard Butler plays the secret service member, Aaron Eckhart plays the president[...]
Upcoming sci fi from Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman? Oblivion looks pretty good And be sure to check out Brendon's shot-by-shot breakdown of what we're seeing in the trailer.
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One last trip into the Nolanverse for the Caped Crusader.Can Nolan equal the spectacular triumph of The Dark Knight? Michel Moran investigates...