panic room Archives

Saturday Trending Topics: The Panic Room Conspiracy
I find today's top topic pretty amusing, because — as we've said before — panic room is a pretty interesting code name for a secret project I think I'm going code name the next Avatar secret project "Don't Tell Rich". That aside, we had some fun here on Bleeding Cool in 2011, and as you just[...]
Is There A Watchmen 2 Reference In Justice League #3?
When Bleeding Cool first talked about the recent revival of the Watchmen prequel mini-series, we mentioned that the project was being referred to internally at DC Comics amongst select individuals as "Panic Room". One Little Bleeder pointed out a page from Justice League #3 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, the chief creative officer and co-publisher[...]
Tuesday Trending Topics: New 52 Year
Today we got our first trend-topping New 52 story in some time, and while it's a holiday news week, it does bring to mind what a crazy year 2011 was for comics news (and closing out strong with Watchmen 2 in the panic room) as we turn our attention to wondering what 2012 will bring. Most-Read[...]