Penguin Archives

Is Gotham Making A Regular Batman Villain Generational?
Last night on Gotham, the series kicked things up a bit with the aftermath of everyone finding out that the Penguin was still alive It was a character defining moment for Oswald Cobblepot, Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock and for Carmine Falcone It defined the sides for the future of the series. But the interesting news about[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – Penguin Over Infinity
However, with all the standard variations of every issue, their marketshare per comic may drop rather… Batman #23.3: The Penguin Infinity #3 Superior Spider-Man #18 Uncanny X-Men #12 Batman And Robin #23.3: Ra's Al Ghul And The League Of Assassins Detective Comics #23.3: The Scarecrow New Avengers #10 Justice League #23.3: Dial E Green Lantern #23.3: Black Hand Savage Wolverine #8 Thanks to the following retailers; Yesteryear[...]
Fourteen Thoughts About Villain's Month – Week Three – Eclipso, Dial E, H'el, Lex Luthor, Arcane, Clayface, Ra's Al Ghul, Cheetah, Penguin, Scarecrow, Deathstroke, Shadow Thief, The Rogues And Black Hand
May have been a whole different story. Forever Evil Relevance: Cold Penguin! Freezing cold Penguin! Child killer penguin! Yes, this issue does its best to reestablish the flappy one as the real deal, ahead of his mayorship of Gotham… Forever Evil Relevance: And while Gotham is being carved up among the big name costumed criminals in Scarecrow,[...]
Fourteen Thoughts About Fourteen DC Comics – Batwoman, Batman And Robin, Batgirl, Huntress, Penguin, Legion Lost, Green Lantern, Demon Knights, Superboy, Suicide Squad, Resurrection Man, Mister Terrific, Grifter and Frankenstein
It's a jarring art decision that may save time but leads to a rather annoying reading experience. Penguin: Pain And Prejudice #2 continues its look into the deepest darkest child scretes of Copperpot With an art style half way between Dave McKean and Jim Cheung that's haunting and melancholy. In Suicide Squad #3, Harley Quinn lives up[...]