proposal Archives

Magic: The Gathering Rarities: Richard Garfield's Marriage Cards
Today, we will be talking about the card that focuses on his proposal to Lily Wu. The art for Richard Garfield, Ph.D., a card from the Unhinged joke expansion set from Magic: The Gathering Illustrated by Dave Dorman, this "vanity" card is the last that Wizards of the Coast has decided to make (barring Invitational cards). Dr[...]
How To Propose By Arc Reactor From Ed's Junk; This is by far one of more more fun projects Ive ever done! A little background first, my
The Green Lantern Gay Marriage Proposal
Marvel got so much press for its X-Men Wedding Proposal issue, even if it was slightly diverted by press over this week's DC Comics outing of the original Green Lantern What would have happened if, at the time, DC Comics had noted that in Earth 2 #2, they have their own marriage proposal from to-be-Green[...]
When Rorschach Proposed To Deadpool
From the Anime Boston Con last weekend. And I quote. So Friday afternoon outside the dealers room my friend Logan (Rorschach) proposed to her boyfriend