[rwp-review-recap id="0"]
Iceman #3 by Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti and Rachelle Rosenberg is really the cornerstone issue for the series thus far.
This issue follows the night that Bobby Drake goes home to visit the parents, ostensibly to come out to them as a newly minted gay man, Instead, Bobby finds himself facing the same kind of[...]
Rachelle Rosenberg Archives
Now, even though I am Bleeding Cool’s “Secret Empire is actually pretty good” guy, doesn’t mean I think the series is perfect. It has its flaws, and one
It feels classic and fun, with some really great action set pieces, and Bobby Drake's penchant for dropping jokes left and right, whether they land or not, is still present.
However, there are a few elements in this issue that are a little problematic.
Firstly, there's the scene where Kitty breaks down and reveals how upset she[...]
On his blog he shows each step involved in creating page 8 along with the colors by Rachelle Rosenberg.
I love seeing behind the scenes how pages are done, so when an artist shows the step-by-step process, I think its worth taking a look at Gabriel Hardman did the pencils and inks[...]