Bring Comic-Con home to you with this original Rafael Albuquerque sketch cover for Marvel's Star Wars: Darth Vader #1. Sponsored.
rafael alberquerque Archives
REVIEW: Funny Creek #2 from Stout Club and ComiXology Originals is an original, emotionally gripping comic about trauma and hero worship.
Huck, from the Mark Millar and Rafael Albuquerque's series of the same name, is getting his own bust from Skelton Crew Studios.
It's true, we all have our preferences.
Rich Johnston reported on the latest Batgirl news as she leaves Burnside for bigger and hopefully better things. Hope Larson, Rafael Alberquerque, Julie Benson, Shawna Benson, and Claire Roe are set to take over.
As a big fan of all things Batgirl, I personally can't wait for the change[...]
It's likely that the creative team of Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr would have been unaware of the cover until CBR posted it.
Odds are they probably feel as bad as you do about it.
Equally, this will have been a piece commissioned from Rafael Alberquerque, and will have been delivered as requested[...]