Jamie Delano and Leandro Rizzo's Crossed: Badlands #9 also came out, and now here's Volume 1 Chapter 14 of the free weekly webcomic Crossed: Wish You Were Here by Simon Spurrier and Javier Barreno I'm betting we're going to see some SDCC Crossed Cosplay sometime soon as well.
It's been a pretty big week for[...]
simon spurrier Archives
Alasdair Stuart writes for Bleeding Cool The new Crossed: Wish You Were Here interlude chapter has just gone up. Crossed remains one of my favorite end of
I'm not just saying it because I have to. I truly do believe that the Crossed epic known as Wish You Were Here is crafted with more heart and soul than
See below for the cover artwork, plus a sampling of interior pages!
Fans, don't forget to place your pre-orders with your local comic shop no later than this Thursday, June 28th (just three days away)… and retailers, don't forget to place your initial orders with Diamond!
Crossed: Wish You Were Here Volume 1 Softcover
$19.99 US Retail, Diamond[...]
Crossed is such extreme horror that sometimes it does nasty things to your eye sockets, but it's not all butchery and bloodlust, as today's latest online
Collectors Cornered is a weekly video column, filmed inside Collectors Corner in Baltimore. Join us every week as we discuss comic book news from a
The Avatar Press celebration of all things Crossed, known for short as "C-Day," is only two days away! March 14th sees the in-store release of Crossed:
Coinciding with the worldwide "C-Day" event for the debut of the bi-weekly Crossed: Badlands comic book series, the March 14th launch date of Wish You Were Here heralds Simon Spurrier's first foray into the Crossed universe Here, Si provides an in-depth look at the series that will debut at CrossedComic.com in two short weeks.
BC: How[...]