Titans: Beast World brought Amanda Waller to the focus as the first part of their Trinity of Evil for 2024, to be joined by Zur-En-Arrh and the new Brainiac Queen And it will continue into House of Brainiac in the Superman Group of titles in DC Comics' April 2024 solicits.
9th of April 2024
Action Comics #1064
Trinity Of evil Archives
With the Brainiac/Stillness tentacles taking a dive, no sign of the Return Of Justice League any more, and instead, Something Evil Is Coming…
Which we presume is the Trinity Of Evil for 2024, which DC Comics is suddenly not wanting to talk about, but which has been dominating Bleeding Cool traffic for the last couple of[...]
Well, there might have been decapitated poultry running around Burbank, clucking about and spreading both feathers and blood over the marble surfaces.
Earlier today, as Reed Expo's own website Popverse was doing the prescribed business with DC Comics with the news about Suicide Squad Dream Team launching in March 2024, it looks like they went briefly[...]