Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: arrow, cw, entertainment, Katrina Law, Kyra Zagorksy, Malcolm Merlyn, television
Arrow Season 6: League of Assassins Gains Helix's Kyra Zagorsky
Last week we heard that Katrina Law would be reprising her role as Nyssa al Ghul on an upcoming episode of Arrow this season. Seems she won't be the only member of the League of Assassins who will be popping up. The series has cast Kyra Zagorsky (Helix) as Athena, a former member of the League and someone who wants to protect the legacy of the late Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman). Why would Athena go to Star City? Does it have something to do with Malcolm's daughter Thea (Willa Holland)?
The word on why Nyssa returns is, "to warn of an impending danger that will threaten everything we know and love." Athena is described as having a scar across her face as an example of her fearlessness and determination. She sees anyone that was once associated with Malcolm as threatens the legacy of her fallen commander.
Zagorsky played Dr. Julia Walker on Helix, has appeared on Continuum, Travelers, Supernatural and Falling Skies. She has a recurring role coming up on the CW's The 100.
There has been no word if Barrowman will appear in the episode. His character died on Lian Yu during the season 5 finale, but producers have said they would bring him back if if schedules permitted, pointing out that they have shows that deal with time travel and flashbacks.
Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on the CW.
Source: TVLine