Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: arrow, cw, Emily Bett Ricards, entertainment, rick gonzales, stephen amell, television
Arrow Season 6: The Bad of the Season Was Too Much Infighting
When it comes to the world of television series, you have to take the good with the bad. And when you're putting together a season worth of shows, sometimes things work perfectly while other times it's a swing-and-a-miss. With Arrow going into its first season without flashbacks, the writers changed up a few things. They gave us a false big bad for half of the season, foreshadowed the big ending, and gave us some really fun surprises along the way. We even said goodbye to two characters who'd been with the series since the pilot. But not everything they did worked. One thing in particular had fans complaining online… the split of original Team Arrow and the new crew. Too much infighting.
The basis for the split was that Oliver (Stephen Amell), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), and Diggle (David Ramsey) spied on Rene (Rick Gonzalez), Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), and Curtis (Echo Kellum), which led to an episode where they were fighting against each other. But if you first take the reason why they did it (someone turned on Oliver and admitted he was the Green Arrow to the FBI), you can kind of understand why they would need to know who, and the odds that the guilty part would just say so is kind of slim. In doing so they found that Dinah was meeting with her old partner Vincent, aka Vigilante, and that's how it came out. But it was actually Rene who made a deal with the Feds.
Even if you're on the side of the betrayal of trust by investigating their teammates… two of them had something to hide. It wasn't enough to justify this giant split, and adding in that they didn't like the way Oliver ran things is a reason to leave, not a reason to get angry.
Fans quickly tired of the infighting, and it just got to the point it felt like everyone was piling on Oliver. I think there were better ways the writers could've taken away his support bases without it being so overly negative. And while I think season 6 was very good, the team infighting brought the season down a bit and was definitely the lowlight of the season.