Absolute Zero with Mister Freeze in Absolute Batman #7-8, and the story behind Absolute Joker coming in Absolute Batman #13-14
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Doctor Who Comes to BBC's Children In Need Again
Children In Need is an annual BBC TV telethon fundraising event, and it has a shared history with Doctor Who.
In the past, it has given us the 1993 Dimensions In Time Doctor Who/Eastenders crossover event, an extended Doctor Who regeneration scene with David Tennant and Billie Piper in 2005 and the mini-episode Time Crash with David Tennant and Peter Davison in 2007.
And in the current ad for kids to engage in fundraising activities, based around BBC TV shows, this includes dressing up as all the different Doctor Whos…
Very sweet – and might it suggest some Doctor Whoness for 2018's event?
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