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Lanterns: James Gunn Confirmed to Make Sure Tom King Got Credit

James Gunn explains that he confirmed Lanterns to make sure that Tom King received proper credit alongside Chris Mundy and Damon Lindelof.

Earlier today, DC Studios Co-CEO James Gunn confirmed that Chris Mundy (True Detective: Night Country, Ozark), Damon Lindelof (HBO's Watchmen, LOST), and DC Studios' creative team member Tom King had been tapped to assemble a team of writers for Max's Green Lantern series Lanterns. The confirmation came as reports hit social media that Mundy and Lindelof – as well as Justin Britt-Gibson (Into The Badlands, Banshee), Breannah Gibson (Young Love, Bigger), and Vanessa Baden Kelly (Animal Kingdom, The Sex Lives of College Girls) – have the DC Studios series listed in their respective Writers Guild of America (WGA) profiles. That led to someone on Threads asking Gunn about when he chooses (and doesn't choose) to debunk "breaking news" rumors from sites like Variety and Deadline Hollywood.

Image: DC Comics

"Often times news sources break things while we're in talks, and the deal may not work out – sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, I don't want to, or it's sensitive stuff. A lot of times, it's wrong and not worth dealing with. And a lot of times, I don't see stuff. In this case, our publicist told me about it and that Chris and Damon were credited in the trades but not Tom, which didn't seem fair. So, I posted this," Gunn responded – here's a look at a screencap of Gunn's response:

Image: Threads Screencap

"Yes, it's true. The Lanterns DCU series is putting together a crack team of writers based on a wonderful pilot script and bible by Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof. A hearty welcome to Chris and [Lindelof] as they join the DC Studios family (no welcome necessary for old [Tom King], who has been here nearly since inception)," Gunn wrote as the caption to his Instagram post from earlier today:

When the series was first announced, DC Studios Co-CEO Peter Safran noted that the series would play a major role in their New DCU. Comparing it to "a huge HBO-quality event" along the lines of "True Detective," the "Green Lantern" series is set to focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart – who investigate a mystery that Safran said during the initial rollout "plays a really big role leading us into the main story that we're telling across our film and television. So this is a very important show for us."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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