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Last Week Tonight: John Oliver on Project 2025 Threat, Trump/Hamster

Last Week Tonight's John Oliver addressed the dangers of Donald Trump with a second term and the threat that Project 2025 poses.

Just so there's no confusion? Every episode of HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is worth watching – which makes it twice as annoying having to wait until Thursday for it to hit online (especially when it seems like we have clips from Bill "Damn You Kids!" Maher seemingly everywhere within 24-48 hours). But in terms of the upcoming U.S. Presidential election between President Joseph Biden and ex-reality show host, multi-impeached ex-POTUS, and convicted felon Donald Trump – and the future of democracy in this country – this might be the most important segment that John Oliver has done so far.

"Trump as president was sort of like a hamster in an attack helicopter," Oliver commented early on during his spotlight, showing how a second Trump term "could be much, much worse" than many realize. "Sure, he wants to bathe the world in blood and terror; he wants it with his whole rotten hamster heart. But luckily, he doesn't know what buttons to press, and his brain's the size of a peanut, so that puts some hard limits on the damage he's actually able to do. This time, though, Trump will have a lot more help."

last week tonight
LAST WEEK TONIGHT (Image: HBO Screencap)

And that's when Oliver dove into Project 2025, a "playbook" created by over 100 conservative organizations that maps out what a "New 'Murica" would look like – and let's just say that it reads like a serial killer manifesto that does not bode well for anyone who isn't a white, straight, christian male. And when it's not trampling on individual rights, Project 2025 is also dismantling some important departments and programs – because apparently God told them to? Describing that part of the plan as "a conservative LinkedIn, Oliver added, "It's essentially an open audition for people who might want a new job because they lost their old one on January 6 for some reason." But the scariest part is how government positions will be shifted to being about loyalty to Trump and less about who's qualified for the position and/or doing right by the voters.

"For anyone tempted to think, 'Well, we survived Trump's first term,' first, not everyone did, Oliver explained, noting the damage that was done to the nation during Trump's first term. "And it should hopefully be very clear by now a second Trump term really does promise to be far, far worse. Because if Trump's first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined as ruthless efficiency, and that should be troubling to absolutely everyone."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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