Posted in: CW, Supernatural, TV | Tagged: Castiel, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, LGBTQ, Misha Collins, pride, Supernatural
Supernatural: Misha Collins Reaffirms Castiel Sexuality: "Cas Is Gay"
After the Supreme Court's decision, Supernatural star Misha Collins reaffirmed his support for the LGBTQIA community and Castiel's sexuality.
In light of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision this week to allow private businesses to discriminate against the LGBTQIA community for simply being who they are, Supernatural & Gotham Knights star Misha Collins took to social media to not only speak out on the court's numerous decisions this week but also reaffirm his support for the LGBTQIA. And as if that wasn't more than enough, Collins also dropped four words at the end of his Instagram caption that's gotten social media buzzing: "Also, Cas is gay." While the issues of Castiel's sexuality and the potential for a "Destiel" – Castiel/Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) – are ones that have been and continue to be discussed and debated among the fans – especially nearly three years earlier (more on that in a moment). While many consider Castiel being gay to have been confirmed back in November 2020, Collins offering those words in his post firmly drove the point home.
"This week, the Trump-appointed Supreme Court ruled that it's not okay for private or public institutions to level the playing field for people of color with affirmative action, but they also ruled that it IS okay for private institutions to discriminate against the LGBTQIA community," Collins wrote in the caption to an Instagram post that included artwork from to artist Gio portraying Castiel with rainbow wings. "On this last day of [Pride Month], I'm just pledging to do my part to keep fighting for equity, to keep fighting to make this society we can be proud of. (Also, Cas is gay)" Here's a look at Collins' post:
Supernatural: Misha Collins on Dean/Castiel Translation Controversy
Back in November 2020, Bleeding Cool reported on the controversy surrounding the Spanish version of the Supernatural episode "Despair," in which Castiel's declaration of love to Dean was met with the response, "And I you, Cas" (as opposed to the U.S. version: "Don't do this, Cas"). Accusations of corporate pressure, along with arguments that the Castiel/Dean wrap-up fed into the "bury your gays' trope, began making their way across social media, so much so that Collins called a meeting of the SPN Family on Instagram to express his thoughts and put some rumors to rest.
Over the course of the clip (which you can check out below, followed by a transcript), Collins says there was "no conspiracy" on anyone's part "to minimize or erase" LGBTQ representation and that there was no alternate ending to the episode. Collins believes that Dean was "too stunned in the moment" to offer a proper response and that the words contained in the Spanish version were the result of a "rogue translator" going with a personal interpretation. As for the "bury your gays" accusation, Collins pushed back by saying that Castiel's declaration of love not only proved powerful enough to save Dean but, by extension, all of humanity. Also, he pointed to Dean's trip to "new Heaven" in the series finale as another sign that the top tag doesn't apply: not only is Castiel still alive, he helped Jack (Alexander Calvert) rebuild Heaven.
"I'm seeing a lot of commentary on the ending of SPN & the recent Spanish dub, and disheartened to see there are a lot of misconceptions that are making many in our family feel unheard & unsupported, so I'm calling a #SPNFamilyMeeting to sort a few things out for the record:
There was no conspiracy within the network, staff, or cast of SPN to minimize or erase representation from the narrative & there was no alternate ending to 1518. Dean was always too stunned in the moment to reply. (Apparently a rogue translator penned their own dialogue.)
Also, in my opinion Cas doesn't play into the "bury your gays" trope. His declaration of love saves Dean, enabling Sam and Dean to save all of humanity. And Cas doesn't die! He actually goes on to rebuild Heaven!
Was the show perfect? No. Could Cas' departure have had more resonance in the final episodes? Sure. But I'm confident you guys can sort that part out as your writing and art and imaginations play the story out past the last frames we filmed.
I'm proud to have spent more than a decade of my life telling a story where good consistently triumphs over evil…
And I'm especially proud that my character's parting message was, "expressing your true self, letting yourself love who you truly want to love, openly & honestly, can literally save the world… & in the end, good things do happen — & they're worth fighting for." I love you all."