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Numbercrunching: Superman #701 by JMS and Eddy Barrows
Story pages: 22
Cost: $2.99
Cost per page: 13.6 cents
Splash pages: 3
Geographical blips: 2 – According to residents, South 48th Street is in West Philadelphia, not South. Also there are no houses with driveways on there to park a vehicle, faulty fuel line or not. See for yourself.
Misunderstanding of the press: 1. In Superman, the press get bored and go away when Superman doesn't do anything. You may not find it surprising that I know a few tabloid journalists. And none of them would give up. I know some who have staked out their prey for weeks on end, to walk away with nothing. It happens. In this case it's Superman walking. Something, eventually, is going to happen.
Moment when I wonder if that's meant to be me. 1.
Well I did write this. And then JMS wrote this.
Is it possibly Harry Knowles? Either way it's a bit of a Superman Vs Strawman.
Panels where Superman is walking: 33
Panels where Superman is flying: 23
Panels where Superman is sitting: 3
Moments where Superman regrets that Fidel Castro is still alive. : 1
Moments when Superman seems to criticise a member of the public for not being a superhero: 1
But what's the verdict. Mixed. The central conceit and the plot, I enjoy. But I'm not so much enjoying the smirking pointscoring Superman walking around. Seriously, I didn't know quite how strong his supersmug powers were before reading this. Nevertheless, this is someone actually doing something new for an extended period with an iconic character and that itself is worthy of interest. And it does have a gorgeous iconic cover.
Gorgeous iconic cover that will hopefully be given away free as a poster promo at San Diego: 1
How many walking Superman cosplayers will there? 18.
Hang on. What.
San Diego. Next week, I know.
No, San Diego. In California. Where Superman is walking. And it'll take the comics a year to tell the story. And?
Mad realisation. Superman is walking to the San Diego Comic Con 2011: They said it would take him a year… Ooh I lik e it!
What's the bet that DC will put it on as an event… Walking Superman coming up to Con…