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Scott Pilgrim Vs Greg Baldino – The Launch Party
Greg Baldino writes on last night's Scott Pilgrim launch party – check video out here.
Tuesday night was all right for fighting evil ex-boyfriends at Challengers Comics + Conversation, where the Chicago comics shop hosted a midnight release party for Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, the sixth and final volume in the popular series by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
At the stroke of twelve o'clock, the ominous white sheet was pulled aside, unveiling the store's supply of volume six. They last under half an hour before selling out to the excited crowd of Scottaholics, many of whom had come in costume.
"I saw the trailer for the movie, said Jessica Banicki, who came dressed in a homemade shirt for the series' fictional band Sex Bob-Omb, "and then I went and read all the books at once."
Man of the fans admitted they had been turned on to the story of Scott Pilgrim's quest to defeat the seven evil exes of his love, Ramona Flowers, by friends. Said Lindsay Hyland, who came dressed as an actual Bob-Omb: "Shortly after book four came out, my boyfriend at the time had just moved to town and was searching everywhere for the new volume. I was like 'this has gotta be good.' It's really accessible for non-comics fans; it's a great gateway comic.
The store went the extra mile and dressed up their beverage cans with point bonuses, a trademark of the series which incorporates video game motifs. The caffeine bonuses kept the crowd lively as they waited for their turn to pick up the new book.
One common topic throughout the night was what to read next. Several people also picked up O'Malley's graphic novel Lost At Sea, and books like Phonogram and Empowered were also being recommended.
At around one in the morning, the last of the party goers stepped out into the night, filled with pop and cake, and eager to tear into the final chapter of the comic book saga of a Canadian bassist in love.
Greg Baldino lives and writes in Chicago, where he watches over the local comics scene like a posthuman autocrat. His fiction and journalism has appeared in many publications internationally. He can be contacted at
Special thanks to Samantha LaFountain and Mike Sims for retrieving the data and hiding the bodies