Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: awards, bleeding cool, c2e2, comic con, Comics, eisners, harveys, Rich Johnston
C2E2 To Host The Bleeding Cool Fan Awards
San Diego has the Eisner Awards. Baltimore Comic Con has the Harveys. SPX has the Ignatz. Well, C2E2 has its own comic book awards, the Bleeding Cool Fan Awards. To be voted on by your good selves. The choices have been made by a selection of judges who wish to remain secret, but there's space to add your own choice as well. Write-in candidates showing a swell of support will be added to the nominee form.
Yes, there will be multiple voting. Yes, there will be campaigns. Yes there will be people trying to fix the vote. What we say is.. bring it on.
The awards will be presented at C2E2 on Saturday evening from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Room 475B. Nominees are encouraged to attend to receive their awards, or to nominate any attendee to accept it on their behalf.
Firstly we have the award for people for, basically, longevity. For entertaining us, for making an impact on the comics scene, for continuing to work away – and are still doing it! Appearing at shows, signing and sketching rather than putting their feet up! We salute you!
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="Stan Lee"] [tweetvote vote="Jerry Robinson"] [tweetvote vote="Gene Colan"] [tweetvote vote="Bob Wayne"] [tweetvote vote="Jim Steranko"] [tweetvote vote="Joe Kubert"]
It's a comics awards, so naturally there have to be film categories. That's the way it is, get used to it. Films matter and comics don't. So in the first award, we reward those where it does mater. From the use of captions in Tamara Drewe to the Kick Ass comic and movie intertwining through their respective production process, this is for those film makers who not only read but like the comic they were adapting.
Film Of The Year Where They Actually Read The Original Comiconline survey
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[tweetvote vote="Scott Pilgrim"] [tweetvote vote="Red"] [tweetvote vote="Batman XXX: A Porn Parody"] [tweetvote vote="Kick Ass"] [tweetvote vote="Tamara Drewe"]
And this is for the hangers on. Those who wear their "graphic novel" influences on their sleeve which is basically down to having a couple of images from a comic used in the storyboard, while the movie strips away any of the themes that made the original comic connect with an audience, however small.
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="The Losers"] [tweetvote vote="The Expendables"] [tweetvote vote="Clash Of The Titans"] [tweetvote vote="Tron Legacy"] [tweetvote vote="Alice In Wonderland"]
And in anticipation of the year ahead, the comic book-based films that could be good, whispering under out breath as the logos spin across the screen "please don't suck, please don't suck" as if a poor movie will reflect badly upon our entire comic book reading life. But most likely will be so, so bad. And there's just nothing we can do about them. Apart from cry. And try not to get the tears on our comics.
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[tweetvote vote="X-Men First Class"] [tweetvote vote="Dredd"] [tweetvote vote="Green Lantern"] [tweetvote vote="Captain America"] [tweetvote vote="Thor"]
The Swipe File celebrates all sorts of similarities, coincidences, and vague similarities for satirical purposes. This is not that. This award is for those who took out the light box and prayed to Wally Wood.
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="Jennifer Carpenter as Lois Lane in Superman Earth One"] [tweetvote vote="Lisa Edelstein as Señora Piernas in X-Factor"] [tweetvote vote="Bleach in Nick Simmons' Incarnate"] [tweetvote vote="Akira in Generation Hope"] [tweetvote vote="Erro's reinterpretation of the work of Brian Bolland and John Byrne"]
Comic books often push the boundaries. Not always just because they should, but because they can. Seriously, who actually reads comics these days, hmmm? So there's not going to be any problems. Until, of course, they are. Here's another forward looking poll…
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[tweetvote vote="Neonomicon"] [tweetvote vote="The Infidel"] [tweetvote vote="Crossed"] [tweetvote vote="The Boys"] [tweetvote vote="League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen"]
Those behind the scenes that make you gag the second you turn the page. Whether it be blood and guts, or just something so wrong that it goes all the way around right and goes back to wrong again. The artists who can't have their original art hung up on your walls without governmental agencies coming round to have a word.
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="Oliveir Coipel (Siege)"] [tweetvote vote="Jacen Burrows (Neonomicon)"] [tweetvote vote="Geraldo Borges and Marlo Alquiza (Rise Of Arsenal)"] [tweetvote vote="Darick Robertson (The Boys, Highland Laddie)"] [tweetvote vote="Javier Barreno (Crossed: Family Values)"]
The creators may be as liberal minded and progressive as they come. Just that some unfortunate circumstances leave the comics in a state where people are open mouthed at the implicit consequences of a particualar plot, thought or pattern. Infinite Crisis, this is for you.
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[tweetvote vote="Lady Death #0 (Avatar)"] [tweetvote vote="Titans: Villains For Hire #1 (DC)"] [tweetvote vote="Dignity & Respect (The US Army)"] [tweetvote vote="Bruce Wayne – The Road Home: Oracle #1 (DC)"] [tweetvote vote="X-Women #1 (Marvel)"]
There are marketing campaigns where a publisher purchases an advertisement in Previews and maybe pushes an interview to Newsarama. And then there are the activities undertaken that are breathless with their audacity, and the press coverage they get as a result…
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="Death of Johnny Storm"] [tweetvote vote="Superman Walking"] [tweetvote vote="Wonder Woman Changes Her Clothes"] [tweetvote vote="Archie Marrying Betty. And Veronica"] [tweetvote vote="Riverdale Getting A Gay"]
The category that launched various blogging careers. The story that was just so wrong, that the internet flocked to the clarion call of the ones who could express this with the most concentrated snark of all.
Most Offensive Plot Twistonline surveys
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[tweetvote vote="Rape Attack In Rise Of Arsenal #3"] [tweetvote vote="Infected Pregnant Woman Eating Own Fetus In Crossed: Family Values #2"] [tweetvote vote="Batman Pissing Himself Retcon In Widening Gyre #6"] [tweetvote vote="Dead Cat Attack In Rise Of Arsenal #3"] [tweetvote vote="Booby Trapped Womb For Gay Brother's Fetus In Nemesis #3"]
Some people get followers for being famous. Some for being newsworthy. Others for being your friend. But these are for comic industry twitteratti who get entire articles published from a stray tweet. Opinionated, funny, and far too much time on their hands, this is probably the category that will get the most votes… if the nominees wish to win that is.
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="CB Cebulski"] [tweetvote vote="Gail Simone"] [tweetvote vote="Tony Lee"] [tweetvote vote="Tom Brevoort"] [tweetvote vote="Geoff Johns"] [tweetvote vote="Warren Ellis"] [tweetvote vote="Ben Templesmith"]
I don't know what it is. These are some of the best writers in comics, in all media. And their creator owned work which made their name is absolutely stunning, and the reason that a big time editor came a-calling. But then they sit down on their big fat pay cheque, and get given all these toys to play with and something snaps. And their work may be fine, above their peers even, but it just doesn't have the same sparkle that got them hired in the first place. It's all a bit dull. The arses.
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[tweetvote vote="Warren Ellis"] [tweetvote vote="Nick Spencer"] [tweetvote vote="Brian Bendis"] [tweetvote vote="David Hine"] [tweetvote vote="Matt Fraction"]
The schedules have been set and agreed. The promotion has been done. The orders are flooding in. And then… nothing. "Is it out yet? Is it out yet?" the eternal cry. Fans, retailers, editors, publishers, co-creator weep. Here's to the tears.
Retweet the Vote! Who says you can only vote once? Campaign for your candidate and retweet the vote, tweet counts will figure as a component of final tally. [tweetvote vote="Grant Morrison"] [tweetvote vote="Kevin Smith"] [tweetvote vote="David Finch"] [tweetvote vote="J. Scott Campbell"] [tweetvote vote="Joe Michael Straczynski"]
What is it about the internet that turns perfectly polite individuals into raving intolerant twelve year olds? Apart from the raving intolerant twelve years olds, they stay the same. Everything is a point to spread offence, or be offended by, as threads turn into flame wars turn into block holes, sucking in threads from other communities, necessitating moderators that are more like fascists – and may well be the the same people who started such threads five years ago anyway. So… who are the worst offenders from either – or both – ends?
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[tweetvote vote="Newsarama"] [tweetvote vote="Millarworld"] [tweetvote vote="Dixonverse"] [tweetvote vote="Bleeding Cool"] [tweetvote vote="Byrne Robotics"]
Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons has become an international icon. Shame his comic shop has become one too. Here's to those breaking that paradigm, and delivering a very different quality indeed…
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[tweetvote vote="Secret Headquarters, Los Angeles"] [tweetvote vote="Silver Snail, Toronto"] [tweetvote vote="A Comic Shop, Orlando"] [tweetvote vote="Isotope, San Francisco"] [tweetvote vote="Page 45, Nottingham"] [tweetvote vote="Stadium Comics, Brampton, ON"]
Thank you all for voting, and those who offered their own suggestions (see them reflected in the ballot shortly) and for those who take it all too seriously… don't. There you go, problem solved.