Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Alan Moore, bojeffries saga, Comics
Alan Moore Talks About Solving Death, The Return Of BoJeffries Saga And *That* Guardian Article
Last weekend, The Guardian printed an interview with Alan Moore, where he was quoted as saying "I hate superheroes. I think they're abominations. They don't mean what they used to mean. They were originally in the hands of writers who would actively expand the imagination of their nine-to-13-year-old audience. That was completely what they were meant to do and they were doing it excellently. These days, superhero comics think the audience is certainly not nine to 13, it's nothing to do with them. It's an audience largely of 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-year old men, usually men."
As you might expect there was considerable online commentary.
Last night at the Prince Charles Cinema, an audience was treated to two of the Jimmy's End films and a series of interviews by Moore biographer Lance Parkin with Alan Moore, then joined by Melinda Gebbie and Kevin O'Neill and then Mitch Jenkins and the stars of the films.
I managed to catch some of it on video… with notable pauses when the memory kept running out. Also a couple of minutes in, I worked out how the zoom function on the Nokia Lumia 1020 fuctioned and, so… I used it.
Along the way, Alan expanded on those comments that, as interviewer and interviewee agreed, painted him as a curmudgeonly old man, talked about his half a million word long Jerusalem novel and how it solves the problem of death (if we live long enough to read it) and well as dueling with duality, bringing back The Bojeffries Saga (with a new 24 page story set under a Gordon Brown government)
I managed to well over an hour. So sit back, settle down and enjoy an evening with Alan Moore, with occasional and annoying interruptions, and a tired hand holding the camera up, at a steady wobble. A full copy of the audio will be along later this weekend…