Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, dc comics, dc previews, dc you, dcyou, entertainment, juneminirelaunch, kyle rayner, omega men, previews
How Lantern Kyle Rayner Is Murdered By The Omega Men
We were told that that the upcoming launch of Omega Men from DC Comics in June would feature the death of Kyle Rayner at their hands. But did we believe it?.
The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! They've murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals – and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?
We've also noted a recent trend of decapitation in comic books, even as real-life assassinations from ISIS were on the rise.
Well, the Omega Men preview in today's Convergence: Batman & Robin #2 manages to tie that all together. This one is done very much on purpose…
You can read the previews for yourself free on ComiXology – register here and then click here. And see more of our DC Previews coverage through the day.
In a nine panel grid, we are made aware that this is a video, a fixed camera on a chair…
With a mysterious figure in white forced onto it, by the Omega Men, a bag over his head. Revealed as…
Kyle Rayner, the previous Green Lantern, it is.
And an appeal to home…
…one cruelly cut short. And this is how the new Omega Men series is first shown to the public… say, you don't think they are a subset of HEAT do you?
At least they didn't use a fridge…