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War Machine Didn't Put She-Hulk In A Coma, And Other Civil War II Revelations Today
Civil War II made it clear. This scene…
Led to this.
Which led to this.
Although not quite so fast.The manner of She-Hulk going into a coma after being hit by War Machine's missile caused much online discussion.
Well in today's A-Force #8 we see that again, with a little rewriting from Kelly Thompson. Firstly post-missile…
But then…
Is that enough? Hand to hand combat from Thanos? There are more changes as well, with Civil War II: The Accused lampshading that rather rapid Hawkeye-to-trial moment from Civil War II…
And finding the real political motivation behind the trial coming to term so soon.
With just a little meta-narrative to the naming of Civil War II after the original Marvel Civil War based around the Superhero Registration Act.
And more lampshading as to Hawkeye's green-eye moment.Yeah, Karnak was there! What's he up to? Oh, his digital comic isn't out yet, he's probably still torturing Ulysses. So, yes, any more updates on how Ulysses' power works now that we know his power is to extract information from everywhere, even places and fashions no one else can detect and extrapolate a future from that? Just like Iron Man and Scarlet Witch did in Force Works with the Chaos Computer, that now Tony Stark has totally forgotten about. Well, Scarlet Witch is on Carol's side…
Because, well, she remembers Force Works even if Tony Starks doesn't.
Well, in All-New Avengers it seems that suddenly Ulysses; Inhuman power needs some assistance. For some reason.
Then there's the matter of how his powers work. In Spider-Man 2099, we get confirmation from Peter Parker that there are no self-fulfilling prophecies here. If you get the warning and do nothing it will happen, but can prevent a prediction from happening. Which does make sense.
Though in All-New All-Different Agents Of SHIELD, we discover there is what they call "wiggle room" over the predictions.
While that's a point of legal contention in The Accused as well.
And back in A-Force #8 we get a prediction that starts to come true only because it was predicted, and people acted as a result of the prediction. Which is the opposite of what Peter Parker said.
Though if we are interpreting words, then this scene…
Gets a rewrite in A-Force #8 as well.
Daredevil looks a bit that way too…
All comics featured are published by Marvel Comics apart from scenes from CiviL War II published earlier in the year.