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Wednesday Films, Cars, Gays And Trailers
In comics-to-movie adaptation news, Variety promises that Platinum's Nightfall is on the way, and Antonine Fuqua and Spike Lee are adapting the French graphic novel Miss: Better Living Through Crime from Les Humanoides.
Comics creator Woodrow Phoenix gets a massive spike from Express Buzz, as part of his big trip to India (see, not just Tony Lee) on his new comic Rumble Buzz, story about vehicular accidents.
The relation between humans and cars is a life and death situation and what subject could be more important than that. People are risking their lives every single day. I spoke to the pedestrians; people involved in an accident, drivers. I observed drivers in England, Japan, and France. We lead such mechanical lives that the society turns away from these important concerns
No, Spandex is NOT the first gay superhero comic everyone. It's not even the first gay superhero team. Stop believing those press releases. Stop making me the responsible diligent journalist here, folks. It doesn't suit me. Though I did like Paul Gravett's description of Bleeding Cool at the ICA the other night, "purveyor of comics news and… not-news."
The Kick Ass Trailer with commentary by Matthew Vaughan
Thanks to and /Film and French Premiere.
And a Brazilian trailer for Box Office Poison…
No commentary… or even translation… needed.