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Kick-Ass: The Media Controversy Begins!
Because one just Mark Millar story wasn't enough for today.
I saw Kick-Ass the other week. And am embargoed to comment on what I saw. But chatting with an employee of Universal Studios, distributing the film in the UK they felt torn over certain publicity issues that may surround the film, and to what degree they would help or harm the movie.
Well, whatever the outcome, it's started. The Australian Daily Telegraph, owned by Rupert Murdoch has done its very own having-your-cake-and-eating-it piece.
Basically – look at this trailer and tell us if you are offended. Then blame the film, not us for showing you the trailer! Get offended! Get offended!
And this is Australia, where family pressure groups don't want to talk about the film for fear of promoting it. There will be no such fear when this news cycle hits the UK, where such pressure groups want such publicity to promote themselves.
But in the end, it's all down to an twelve year old girl saying "cunt" and to be honest, I can hear that in certain school playgrounds up and down the country if I really want to. Before being arrested, obviously.
And while the comments in the article have a few of these;
I would like to express my concern for society when a film this morally bankrupt can just open in Australian cinemas with nobody doing anything about it. Seriously if you came into my house and came out with filth like that I would be outraged as certainly all God-fearing Australians should be knowing that Hollywood exerts greater power over our children than we ever can. If the media won't help then I shall take it upon myself to petition for the film to be banned. We don't need this garbage and anyone reading this should not be laughing but deeply concerned for the direction a film like this is taking us in.
They're mostly full of;
HAHAHAHA I think that is brilliant, I can't wait to see this.
Sounds hilarious, its on my movie-to-see-list as of now.
He we go again the minority are at it again, what did it recive 4 complaints? If you dont like it dont watch it.
It doesn't offend. If it bothers people simply don't watch it.
The movie is MA15+. Family groups don't have to watch it if they don't want to but that doesn't give them the right to stop everyone from watching it. Censorship in this country is going backwards!
yes the language is offensive and innapropriat ,but so is parliment,but at least the trailer looked hilarious , like a foul mouthed jacky chan movie with a young girl instead of jacky.
The trick is going to be in how to sell Kick-Ass as just offensive enough to get people interested, but not enough to actually put them off. And remember, we get Chris Morris' Four Lions/Boilerhouse later this year, which should put this in the shade, controversy-wise.
UPDATE: And we're off. Here's coverage from British freebie paper The Metro, "Kick Ass slammed by family groups", basically quoting and using the same quotes from the Telegraph story, as does The Straits Times and the Herald Sun.
How long till Fox News?