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Sunday Runaround – Bissette To Banerjee To Ballet To Batman
BissetteWatch: Why not read Steve Bissette's new webcomic King Of Monster Isle? The first five pages are up, so here are the first two…
BalletWatch: Apparently The Time Traveller's Wife's Audrey Niffeneger has been approached about her graphic novel The Adventuress being turned into a ballet? Are there any other graphic novel-to-ballet adaptations that I'm unaware of?
IndiaWatch: India's premier graphic novelist, Sarnath Banerjee, talks about his favourite comics;
There was an early Alan Moore on the investigation that lead to Iran- Contra conspiracy, where Oliver North was implicated, really poetic. Then the British series 'Crisis' that dealt with Thatcher's Britain, and tackled subjects such as homophobia, racism etc – it was partially funded by Amnesty. That was before Amnesty became corporate. Then there are Joe Sacco's books on Palestine and Sarajevo. Art Spiegelman illustrating the long, syncopated poem – 'The Wild Party' – by Josesph M. March, that journeys through a single night of a raucous party thrown by members of a New York Vaudeville and ends in a murder. Ben Katchor taking a look into a phantom city that resembles Manhattan of the 50s through his character Julius Knipl. Really the list is too big.
PanelWatch: Andrew Weiss of the Armagideon Time has been lining some apropos-of-nothing images of late, entirely out of context to prove some kind of rabble-rousing point. I don't know what it is, people seem to have no other outlet except for causing trouble. It's despicable and shameful and I think endemic to the internet.
That's enough from you Andrew Weiss. Or is that "Vice", hmmm? I'll let the great man speak for himself;
This is, of course, the issue that set the mini-brains all in a lather over my portrayal of Superman as a "pedophile". Some people work WAY too had at being "offended", don't they?
Couldn't have put it better myself. So I'm not even going to try. Or I'd be branded the biggest hypocrite on the planet…
StudentWatch: Bob Hall teaches Hastings students how to compose Batman panels…
RusskieWatch: Isn't it nice when Bleeding Cool gets linked by Russian news organisations?