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Tony Lee To Top New York Times Bestseller List (UPDATE)
I've known Tony Lee for a long time. Possibly too long. I count him as a friend and have been entranced to see him emerge from wannabee to, well, bee. His reputation of a bit of a huckster, has been replaced by one of being a sheer bloody hard worker in comics, taking on Doctor Who for IDW, travelling to India to promote British comics culture and punting out graphic novels all over the place – including the adaptation of Pride, Prejudice And Zombies for comics. And I understand that it's this latest project that has granted him this headline accolade.
I'm told that it's very likely that Pride, Prejudice And Zombies will be number one on the New York Times paperback graphic novel list this week.
So expect news about a new Dan Boultwood project shortly. And waistcoats to come back into fashion.
UPDATE: Yup, the numbers are in, Tony's at the top. And Bleeding Cool favourite Stuff Of Legend is at number two as well…