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Thursday Runaround: Sexting Kitty Pryde
MooreWatch: Classic comic short story Pictopia, by Alan Moore and Don Simpson, is being exhibited at the ToonSeum in Pittsburgh from the 25th September to the 31st of October.
MarvelEditorWatch: Nathan Cosby on Twitter:
NOVA: Hey uh…you got a sec?
NOVA: I, uh…I need some dating advice.
NOVA: Do you…do you ever phase in bed?
NOVA: I got a date with Kitty Pryde & she's been sending all these
dirty texts, like "Ooh wait til we do it Intangible-Style" an' shit.Chris Sim: You are my favorite anything
Nathan Cosby: And that is why I deleted all of those tweets immediately.
Nathan Cosby: I would like to apologize for releasing unedited information regarding the sexting that Kitty Pryde did with Nova before their date.
DeadlineWatch: In Mike Fleming's piece on Jason Goodman reviving Atlas Comics, he quotes Jason saying;
As a result of his vision, Atlas Comics is the largest individually-held library of comic book heroes and villains on the planet. We have 28 titles and hundreds of characters imagined by some of the greatest minds in the industry.
I expect Scott Rosenburg, Nicky Barrucci and the likes may debate that…
RockWatch: Silent Hill artist and rocker, Menton J Matthews III was the star of our Chicago Comic Con interveiws, now he's popped up at Dragon*Con and is as entertaining as ever.
SaleWatch: Mile High Comics is running free shipping on all comics ordered, including international shipping (trades and hardcovers get an international surcharge) to celebrate their new search fucntion.
MoveWatch: Georgia comic shop Comic Plus moves locations.
FillionWatch: How Nathan grew up and left comic books behind…
ClosetWatch: News reporter finds it hard to sell old comic books. Literally.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
ICv2 – Dark Horse's 'USA Today' Connection
Since then USA Today has published online articles and previews featuring other Dark Horse titles including Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden's Baltimore and the Zack Whedon-penned Terminator: 1984 mini-series. But starting in October the cross-marketing between Dark Horse and USA Today will ramp up significantly. Five Dark Horse titles, the names of which will be released at the New York Comic Con, will receive (like Troublemaker) both articles and a 1-page comic preview in the "Living Section" of the print edition of USA Today.
Captain America: The First Avenger Set Visit Preview | Superhero Hype
Due to some incredible good luck and a very gracious offer from Marvel Studios and Paramount, we recently found ourselves on the set of Joe Johnston's Captain America: The First Avenger. During the course of the day we spoke to Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige, his man on the ground, Cap co-producer Stephen Broussard, the art director, and costume effects supervisors Anna Sheppard and Patrick Whitaker, as well as stars of the show, Chris Evans and Hugo Weaving. During the course of the day, we saw the costume up close, sets, and footage from the film, and from what we've seen so far, Johnston and his team are spot on.
Scott Pilgrim: more than the big screen and Michael Cera
Some of you might be more familiar with the Scott Pilgrim series thanks to the recently released film "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" starring Michael Cera. I can't honestly say that the film was a good representation of the comics. While the comics come off as nerdy and charming in their simplicity, the movie takes all of these elements and clutters them with special effects and bad acting, which cheapens the story and ruins the aesthetic.
VCast Apps Google/Verizon Romance Going Sour — new Verizon Store to include comics?
But recent reports indicate that Verizon plans to remove the V Cast section from the Android Market and install the service as a separate application. Unnamed sources said that Verizon didn't want to merely be a side portal, but rather offer a full-fledged marketplace that ties into the subscriber's account. This means that games, digital comics, or whatever else Verizon plans to host will not require a credit card, but instead will be charged to the subscriber and appear on next month's bill. There's also speculation that the Verizon store may sport a better interface. App submissions will be free, but Verizon will require final approval before going live. Given the current state of the Android Market–cluttered with subpar apps, disguised malware, and highly unnavigable–Verizon's approach may be a welcome one to Android owners.
NOW Magazine // Daily // Bourdain spills the beans, pt. 2
I've got a graphic novel I'm doing with DC Comics called Get Gyro in the pipeline for next year. I describe it as Yojimbo meets Big Night and Babette's Feast, an ultra-violent slaughter-fest over culinary arcana.
Welcome to the Save Blue Diamond Comics website, a website maintained and created by the dedicated patrons of Blue Diamond Comics. Our favorite comic book shop is now in jeopardy. Owner Romuel Valdivia, aka "Mel", is now in the fight of his life. His wife Kristen has been diagnosed with a terminal stage III brain tumor. She has one year to live. We, the dedicated customers, have decided to help our favorite comic book store proprietor keep his shop, get back on his feet financially, and care for his wife. This our website, and where you, the concerned citizen, can help!
History of Comics On Film: My Top Ten Favorite Darkseid Stories
On September 28, 2010 the Direct To Video Feature Superman / Batman Apocalypse will be released. In honor of the new animated feature film, my top ten favorite comics on the lead villain of the piece Darkseid of the New Gods.
Occasional Superheroine: Is there ageism in the comic book industry?
You are a comic book freelancer who has been working at one of the Big Two for about 10-15 years. At one point, you might have been in the "Wizard Top Ten" or held some other such barometer for "hot talent"…this may have been as recently as 5 years ago or less. But over the years you've seen your regular assignments dwindle to specials, fill-ins, and the occasional mini. Whereas before you had a steady paycheck made up of 2-3 monthly assignments, your work schedule is now far more sporadic. Finally, editors either tell you they no longer have work for you…if they answer your phone calls at all.