Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, Dave Gibbons, hit girl, kapow, kick ass 2, london, Mark Millar
Kapow 2012: Millarworld And The Future Of Kick Ass 2
Mark Millar, Frank Quitely, Dave Gibbons and Nacho Vigalondo held host to the Millarworld panel at Kapow in London today. Giving us a first look at this Quitely Jupiter's Children cover… and a barrage of Hit Girl and Secret Society imagery.
Dave Gibbons talked about that, while Mark prefers American settings for his comics, given their universal appeal through movies, in Secret Service he wanted to use a European familiarity for himself, while also trading on Britain's iconic appeal.
Mark and Frank Quitely talked about this being their first work together for so long. Mark pegged the last was as The Authority, but I remember a rather sweet and clever tale for Marvel in 4/11.
Mark Millar repeated that Hit Girl series shipping shortly will comprise the first act of the Kick Ass 2 movie, with the Kick Ass 2 comic series inspiring the latter acts of the movie.
And it might also be worth pointing out that the named director of Kick Ass 2, Jeff Wadlow, did all but confirm that Chloe Moretz is indeed coming back to play Hit Girl 2, saying as much as he could without actually confirming it… (thanks Glasgow League Of Writers)
We also got a Supercrooks wishlist from Mark and Nacho… with the proviso that this is all wishful thinking and that actual casting hasn't started yet.
But they would like to approach Bradley Cooper, Jon Hamm and Ryan Gosling. Which would certainly indicate that desire to make an Ocean's Super Eleven…