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Parody And Be Damned – DC Comics Boycotts The Outhouse
The Outhouse is a rather fun website that runs a mixture of comic book news, interviews and parody. I usually read the articles that have a go at me and I'm usually amused.
DC Comics however don't seem to be.
At C2E2, Outhousers writers approached PR exec Alex Segura about interviewing DC Comics writers, as DC creators had received strict interview protocols.
One of their writers tells me "He told me I could not due to the fact that the site I represent had parodied them too much. I told him that we treat everyone the same and have parodied Marvel as well in the past. Alex said that regardless they didn't take kindly to the lampooning of several articles from the site… he would give us access if we changed our parodying of them."
I hope no one at DC read Ambush Bug or it may just get terribly meta. Apparently this is okay…
But this… on upcoming Nightmare Nurse character from Dan DiDio… is not.
5) Nurses don't have long nails.
Long nails harbor harmful bacteria that can be transmitted to patients. Hospitals have largely banned nurses having long nails, especially in the light of a study that linked two nurses with long nails to the deaths of 16 newborns in Oklahoma City.
DC Comics did not respond to enquiries.