Posted in: Comics | Tagged: battle of teh atom, brian bendis, Comics, frank cho, marvel, x-men
The Weight Loss, Sleep Deprivation, Anger And Depression Of Two Pages A Day With Frank Cho
We mentioned this earlier in a post about X-Men: Battle Of The Atom crossover scripts being late… and Frank Cho's sterling work trying to get the book back on time.
He began with fifteen pages to draw in ten days, a schedule in which he would normally pencil and ink five or six pages at a push.
When we last left him on the 1st of August, he had six pages left with three days to go. It looked an impossible task. Here's what happened.
28th July
Well, kids. I'm in deadline hell. I have to draw and ink 13 pages in 9 days.
I've been sleeping on the studio floor (cat naps) and drawing non-stop. I haven't done this crazy grind in years because it physically screws me up for weeks. Not very happy right now.
The plus side is that I lost 4 pounds this week due to stress and not eating. Fantastic!
2nd August
After several days of only sleeping 2-3 hours, my body broke down and I slept for 8 hours. I forced myself awake since I had to take my daughters to lunch.
Now I gotta draw and ink three pages to stay on schedule.
Ten pages down.
Five more to do.
I didn't know that I was capable of drawing and inking 2+ pages a day when up against the wall.
3rd August
Eleven pages down.
Four more to do.
My back is killing me. Might take a power nap.
Tired, angry and depressed beyond words.
Got to man up and keep going forward. Focus on the work. Almost there.
Twelve pages down.
Three pages to go.
Restless energy tonight put to good use.
4th August
Thirteen pages down.
Two more pages to go.
Going to take a quick nap. Take my daughters to lunch. Then tackle the final two pages.
Fourteen down.
One to more to go.
This mental, emotional, physical marathon is almost over.
Come on Frank! You can do it! Don't go to sleep yet!
Guys, when you buy a copy of X-Men: Battle Of The Atom on the 4th of September, I just hope you are grateful.