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What Future For Spider-Man?
Okay, welcome to rumourville. We have competing rumours at work here, as the Dire Straits song has it "two men say they're Jesus, one of them's gotta be wrong".
And so it is with what we are to expect from Marvel's Spider-Man comics, according to rumours reaching Bleeding Cool from informed contacts.
Informed contacts can be wrong, of course. And in this case, one of them has to be.
There's one we've run, that Superior Spider-Man will be cancelled, and Spider-Man will receive a Marvel NOW relaunch in April, with Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos.
Then there are two more that came alongside this morning's other Marvel rumours.
One, that Dan Slott moves over to an Amazing Spider-Man twice-a-month relaunch, but that Superior Spider-Man will somehow continue, once a month, written by Peter David.
The other is that Dan Slott stays on Superior Spider-Man, one a month, freeing Slott to write other books like Silver Surfer and more. But Matt Fraction takes over Superior Spider-Man with Salvador LaRocca.If there is any validity to these, the idea of having both Amazing and Superior Spider-Man books must be attractive to Marvel, especially considering the success that Superior has brought them. Could they have both Peter and Otto Spider-Men? Or could one of them be Miles Morales? Or Miguel O'Hara?I don't have a clue. But I have been enjoying Superior Spider-Man rather a lot of late, it would be sad to see him go.Exactly.