Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
38 Thoughts About 37 Comics – Yup, They're Called Infinity Stones Now
Another Wednesday, another brace of comic books published. But where do you start? Here are a few possible pointers…..
Tony Stark said it folks, in Invincible Iron Man #1. They're now known as Infinity Stones. Feige gets his way….Karnak correctly predicts the structure of about half the comic books I read this week, while ignoring it, itself…
Yes, ghost Anya in today's Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it was called Randall And Hopkirk (Deceased). I'm sure it's on Netflix or Hulu or somesuch somewhere….
Secret Six's opener looks like a throwaway gag. I do hope that if DC Comics knows what they are doing, they could make a lot out of Fly-Goat…. Goat-Fly… The Flying Kid… something like that.Ooh! Lex Luthor in today's Justice League! Liar, liar, red Superman shorts on fire!
In Doctor Fate, it's good to know that even the looters take care when looting a purchase, to remember necessary accessories. I mean you wouldn't want to loot a place twice just because one of the cables was nicked on the glass window you dragged them through?
More moral vagueness in Transformers #46. Why is it that only evil people say things like that?
No wonder, like in Princeless: Raven, The Pirate Princess #4, some folk find it hard to tell the difference.
While Cognetic #1 is here to save all life.
While some folk just live the life they want to be, whether they know it or now. I think I always have sex hair… I'm just lazy. Giant Days #7 makes me pick up a comb.
Beauty finds a cure. But, of course, there are downsides….
I'm not exactly sure of the intended moral takeout from Fade Out. I just see a role model…
When your Robins start to get confused by your Robins, who is a Robin, what colour a Robin is and what constitutes a Robin – you're in trouble. Gotham Academy should teach a class.
Some social satire from Batman & Robin Eternal #3. And a free pint on the house. I don't know, these Robins get up to all sorts.
Black Canary gives us a League Of Evil Ex-Boyfriends, kinda.
See? It was Superman who was living next door to Doomed. I'm surprised they didn't make more of that….
A second slice of Secret Six, deserved I think. When your tea tastes of tree testicles….
Is Phil Coulson talking about the staff of SHIELD, or the readership of the comic, for not knowing who Dominic Fortune was?
That the Darth Vader droids won't turn up in The Force Awakens is a terrible crime of biblical proportions. As Vader continues to employ people working at cross purposes for his own benefit…
Tithe #6 has tensions are running high at the FBI, and good, wholesome values everywhere are under siege.
Ivar, Timewalker, Dinosaur Hunter? I can feel a phantom N64 controller twitch….
Maybe I just need to calm down. Lumberjanes #19 has a more peaceful vibe to pick on. It has indeed been a wild couple of… months… um….
Rai #11 spends time and beautifully painted panels on clarification of a previous speech. Decompression wastes brush lines….
Mega Man #54 gives us an existential moment of doubt…
It's not the offer you get every day, is it? Shield #1, the new Dark Circle comic from Archie.
The brains don't go far in World of Archie Christmas Annual #53. Chipmunks on the brain?
Invader Zim #4 knows how hat feels.
Even when he was a kid, Marty McFly's temper was getting him into trouble, in Back to the Future #1
Mind you, Archie doesn't mind being referred to as feathered friend, in Betty and Veronica #278
Donald Duck #6's ejector seat just make me realise – he's got bloody wings!
Three heads in Godzilla in Hell #4 just gives the big boy more to bite on. Get ready for some hellish hickeys….
Star Trek #50 knows that it's always the beard that maketh the evil as Mirror, Mirror gets broken down…
Everyone's hungry for something. Turtle cannot live on pizza alone, in TMNT Amazing Adventures #3.
Trancers #1 shows a serious misunderstanding of human anatomy.
Regrets in Nutmeg #5. You really should be reading this comic. Why not start today?
Grumpy Cat gets outdone the whole day through in Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake: Card Wars #4. Someone didn't get the license….
Hacktivist Vol. 2 #4 makes Mr Robot look, well, like a better version of this. Why was it this year that everything suddenly seemed to be air gapped?
And Tokyo Ghost just gives me all the right kind of dreams….
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Who have a Brooklyn Brewery Defend Comics event this Friday, with Brooklyn Defender IPA, Khary Randolph and Andy Oliver. £5 tickets with beer and limited edition glass, £10 to make it bottomless for the night. Tickets here.